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Mr. Brozosky suggested that the parking layout <br />parking layout might need to be rearranged based on thc <br />fields. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala concurred with Mr. Brozosky's sugg~ <br />parking was situated so that it could sen, ice all of the dl <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico indicated that there was multiple <br />parking layout he was looking at was for parking that w <br /> <br /> Mr. Swit~ indicated that the parking to support ti <br />south side of the fields, which was close to Valley Aver <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico restated the motion, which was s~ <br />conduct a design competition open to all ( i. e., profe <br />as the competition is generally outlined in the staff r. <br />the design plan include, at a minimum, the two planl <br />from the south as developed in Phase I of the Bernal <br />Master Plan, but allowing the opportunity for desig~ <br />concept that is unconstrained. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Brozosky, a <br />NOES: Councilmember Campbell <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Hosterman <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />Council then discussed the permitted uses for th <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky mentioned that the Bemal Parks <br />a list of permitted uses. He believed the designers neo <br />as to Council's visions for the "A" and "B" list of perm <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell pointed out that, ultimately, it wc <br />and that the permitted uses would be presented to the o <br />situation, he suggested that the designers not be constr, <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala indicated that Council would have m <br />public, in general, would want to see included in the pl~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell believed this was the whole purp. <br />documents the previous task force. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky provided several examples, whic] <br />facility and religious facilities. He believed that if Cou <br />clarification, it would be difficult for the designers. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 16 <br />Minutes <br /> <br />xot be included. He thought the <br />other uses surrounding the sports <br /> <br />stion. She recalled that the <br />?ferent fields. <br /> <br />king on different sides and the <br />~uld come from Valley Avenue. <br /> <br />te first two fields was on the <br />ue. <br /> <br />,conded by Mr. Brozosky, to <br />Monal designers and amateurs) <br />~port, with the requirement .that <br />~ed baseball fields and parking <br />Community Park Task Force <br />ers to present a second design <br /> <br />ad Mayor Pico <br /> <br />: Bemal Property. <br /> <br />ommunity Task Force compiled <br />ed to be provided more direction <br />ired uses. <br /> <br />aid not be the Council's decision <br />,mmunity for a vote. Given that <br />ined as to the permitted uses. <br /> <br />are of an idea as to which uses the <br />[ri. <br /> <br />~se in providing all of the <br /> <br />included the size of a school <br />acil did not provide more <br /> <br />12/2/03 <br /> <br /> <br />