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issuance of a building permit for the garage and second floor additions..." Essentially, he <br />would have six months to take care of the first floor space and porch before he could apply for <br />the second floor and garage. Condition 8 could be worded to say "... construction has been <br />completed, i.e. final occupancy". Conditions 11 and 12 would make reference to the applicable <br />fees and penalties for any work done without a building permit. That would better define what <br />he must do or else approval would lapse. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked if there could be a condition that he has to hire contractor who will bring <br />plans in by a date certain. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said he could be required to provide evidence of a contract with a licensed <br />contractor to do the work. As a practical matter, however, he could terminate that contract after <br />he presented it to get the building permit. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman wanted to get a date certain to hurry this project along. The weather is <br />getting better and there are no excuses if there is a contractor. She felt the contractor would be <br />motivated to get the job done. She did not want to baby sit this project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala said it is not easy to get through a situation like this. That is why she wanted <br />evidence he has hired a contractor, to make changes in the conditions, and to make certain <br />everything in the December 7, 2001 is included in the conditions. She asked what the first step is <br />to make Mr. Duggan start working on these improvements? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift said first plans will have to be prepared and checked. That takes about five to <br />eight weeks. After that, he could get a building permit. There are some things he can do that do <br />not require a permit, such as the fences, filling holes, etc. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky said there is a box to check when getting a building permit that states <br />whether the work is owner built or there is a licensed contractor. The only way to make sure the <br />contractor stays with the project is to require him or his representative to be present whenever a <br />building permit is pulled. He was not certain that was enforceable. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked if there could be a specific staffmember assigned to this project. She <br />asked Mr. Roush if he was ready to amend all the conditions to make certain they are tied to a <br />date certain and do whatever possible to move this project forward. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said Condition 2 should also require him to show evidence of a licensed <br />contractor. Items 3 and 4 could say he had to do the work within thirty days or else the approval <br />would lapse. Item 6 would be amended to say he has six months to get building permits and <br />complete the work to get final occupancy for the first living space and porch before he could <br />move on the garage and second floor additions. He can have all that checked at one time, but <br />could not get a building permit unless the first portion is completed within six months or the <br />approval will lapse. Condition 8 would be amended to say the work on the first floor had to be <br />completed, similar to what was stated in Condition 6. <br /> <br />Mr. Brozosky asked if Condition 7 still applied? <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 36 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />