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Mr. Campbell asked what happens if Council denies this application? Mr. Duggan would <br />still have to bring the house up to Code. <br /> <br />Mr. MacDonald said he would do that and then rent it so he could find a larger house. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan referred to Condition 6 which requires a building permit for the second <br />floor after final occupancy is approved for the first floor. Conditions 6 and 8 need to be made <br />consistent. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala reiterated her desire that phase two approval expires if phase one is not <br />complete in six months. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> Joanne Norman, 3565 Kings Canyon Court, said Mr. Duggan has petitioned the City <br />three times for an addition. The first request was in June 2000. Not only has he allowed all his <br />building permits to expire, he has not addressed items staff requested him to complete in a letter <br />dated December 7, 2001. She attended two meetings to discuss ways to accomplish some of <br />these items. The meetings were arranged to suit Mr. Duggan's schedule and he has never <br />attended any of them, including tonight's hearing. At these meetings, the neighbors were told <br />there would be code enforcement actions against Mr. Duggan if he failed to comply with staff <br />directives. He has never followed through with any of them and there have been no sanctions <br />taken against him. She wanted to make certain sanctions are enforced this time. If Mr. Duggan <br />is to finish this project, it must be in a timely fashion. If not, the penalties should be severe. He <br />has had plenty of time to comply with the City's requests. She noted there has never been a gate <br />on the right side of his property, there are fences down on both sides of his property, so any child <br />has access to his back yard, which is unsafe. She has a petition signed by 21 of her neighbors <br />because they are tired of being awakened by noise from Mr. Duggan starting construction at six <br />in the morning. They also expressed concerns about safety in and around his yard and the <br />general mn down appearance of his property, which has remained the same for over seventeen <br />years. She believed Mr. Duggan wanted Council to feel sorry for him, but two years ago, when <br />he did not own the property outright, he ripped out the front porch and drilled six foot deep pier <br />holes. He then drove away leaving the holes exposed and posing a safety problem. He never <br />had any permits to do that. She believed he has been given every opportunity to make these <br />changes to his property. He is saying he needs more space, but the existing house is a 2,200 sq. <br />ft., four-bedroom home that could easily accommodate his children. She urged Council to help <br />the neighbors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky referred to the comment that if Mr. Duggan does not meet the timelines he <br />should be penalized and asked what would be a fair penalty? <br /> <br /> Ms. Norman said there have never been any penalties imposed. On December 16, 2002, <br />there was a letter sent that said if he did not do certain things within a certain period of time, the <br />City would require him to do certain things. That was never fulfilled. If Mr. Duggan had a <br />contractor to do this work and the neighbors knew for sure the work would be done in a timely <br />fashion within three or four months, they might feel a little better. However, to date he has made <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 31 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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