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changes to the General Plan. As a practical matter, he understood the desire to do this as part of <br />the General Plan update because it would be far simpler. Without the commitment, he did not <br />think the process would be adequate. He believed a parallel approach may be a little more <br />expensive than simply lumping the question into another General Plan review. It seemed the <br />West Las Positas Committee has already accomplished much of the work needed for an EIR and <br />the additional environmental work necessary could be shared with the EIR for the General Plan <br />update. Since staff will be coordinating both efforts, this would minimize any additional costs. <br />He clarified that when he is talking about a parallel effort, he is not talking about starting the <br />CalTrans process. He did not think any process should be started that would enable the <br />interchange to be built. When evaluating costs, we need to consider the long-term cost <br />effectiveness of the approach. If the City goes through a General Plan update and the <br />interchange is not removed, then the citizens will be back in another ten years discussing it at the <br />2013 update, examining the same questions and spending more money. He believed the most <br />cost-effective approach is to follow the process that has the best chance for success. He also <br />believed the decision should be ratified by the voters of Pleasanton, so a furore Council, with an <br />agenda not so supportive of neighborhood interests, cannot simply reverse the decisions made <br />here. Finally, Council should consider the time, energy and commitment made by the citizens of <br />the community in this process. Undertaking a process without Council commitment is almost <br />certain to fail and it would be squandering that value and short-changing your constituency. He <br />urged Council to provide direction in no uncertain terms to establish a process to remove the <br />interchange in the most proactive, direct, focused and cost effective manner possible. He <br />inquired about the citizens' initiative approach and asked if the initiative would have to address <br />all the goals and objectives of the General Plan that might be impacted? <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said the initiative would have to modify or amend those portions of the <br />General Plan necessary to keep it internally consistent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sullivan said that was similar to what occurred with the CAPP initiative. From what <br />he has heard, he supported the direction Council is heading and urged it not to reject any creative <br />alternatives. There may not be money to build the interchange, but the citizens will not sleep <br />well if that is the only line of defense. The residents want the interchange out of the General <br />Plan. <br /> <br /> Kurt Kummer, 4456 Clovewood Lane, said he was in favor of taking the West Las <br />Positas interchange out of the General Plan as soon as possible. He showed an aerial photo of <br />the West Las Positas and 1-680 intersection. He noted the locations of four schools near this and <br />the number of children who cross West Las Positas. He then related the accident history of <br />various intersections and noted West Las Positas at Dorman Road is the worst in the city. He <br />noted the number of vehicle trips using the intersection and the number projected in the future. <br />If the interchange were to be built, the volume more than doubles at that intersection, which is <br />already the worst in the city. He showed a view of the vacant land that had been set aside for the <br />interchange and presented his proposals for a hike and bike park and staging area for access to <br />trails on one side of the freeway. On the other side of the freeway, he proposed senior or <br />affordable housing. That would be close to shopping and services. It would also be close to <br />schools where the seniors could donate their time as mentors. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 24 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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