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Mr. Roush said characterizing a funding decision as legislative, so it is subject to a <br />referendum, is a dangerous door to open. Typically funding decisions are considered <br />administrative, not legislative. There may be another funding decision that Council would not <br />want to be referendable, and once that door is opened, it may he difficult to close. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan assumed there were two different tracks. One was that Council would <br />not fund the project and put that on the ballot. The other scenario is that Council would say build <br />the interchange and see if the citizens would referend that decision. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico felt if Council decided not to fund the intemhange and asked the citizens to <br />ratify that decision, it would be possible to have it on the ballot as early as November 2003. The <br />community could then state its position. In the meantime, the General Plan update process is <br />underway and steps could be taken to remove the interchange from the General Plan officially. <br />In the meantime, the vote would give an indication of whether the community supports it or not <br />and perhaps create some significant future barriers to the construction of the interchange. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift said there are already policies in the Cimulation Element with respect to how <br />certain infrastructure improvements get fimded. He believed that would be consistent with the <br />policies already in the General Plan to do something like the Mayor has suggested. The only <br />downside would be that the local traffic fee program has the West Las Positas interchange in it to <br />be funded by new development. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala said the project could be taken off that list. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico invited public testimony. <br /> <br /> Matt Sullivan, 7882 Flagstone Drive, indicated that in 1994 a group of West Side <br />residents appeared before the General Plan Steering Committee and asked that the West Las <br />Positas interchange not be built due to negative impacts on their neighborhood. In 1996, the <br />same group asked that it be removed from the General Plan. Between 1997 and 2001, many of <br />those same neighbors participated in the City study to evaluate alternatives to the interchange. <br />Now, almost ten years later, he is again asking that the interchange be removed. During this <br />period, the views of the residents have not changed, but they have learned more. For example, <br />although the interchange is supposed to be a solution to traffic problems, in fact it would create <br />more traffic by opening the floodgates from a grid locked freeway system. This would be along <br />a corridor between four schools used by hundreds of students dally. The interchange, when <br />combined with the Stoneridge extension to E1 Charro, would create a crosstown expressway for <br />freeway cut through traffic. The interchange would be far more expensive than anyone every <br />dreamed and commitments for its funding seem to have evaporated. Finally, the Committee has <br />learned there are alternatives to building this interchange that maintain the General Plan level of <br />service standards. In short the interchange is not in the best of the community at large. He <br />believed the staff recommendation to include this as another alternative in the General Plan <br />update is not following through on the commitment to remove the interchange. It is merely <br />following through on what the Committee has been doing for almost ten years. He wanted a <br />direct, focused process to remove the interchange from the General Plan while meeting CEQA <br />requirements and providing the necessary information to evaluate the resulting alternatives and <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 23 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />