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cannot continue to use our wells and will need City water. He strongly encouraged Council to <br />install sewer and water in the side streets and to use the funds donated by the developers for that <br />infrastructure. <br /> <br />There were no further speakers and the public heating was closed. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala felt this project was the connection to the bypass road and she wanted the <br />public to clearly understand that she intended to build a bypass. She wanted to preserve the <br />$500,000 for the bypass road. She approved this development initially because she felt it was a <br />piece needed for the bypass road. She appreciated the contribution from the developer. She did <br />not feel inclusionary housing for this development made sense. The builder is paying affordable <br />housing fees as required. The market has required builders to be more prudent regarding when <br />they proceed with construction. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Ms. Ayala, seconded by Mr. Brozosky, to authorize the City <br />Manager to sign the Funding and Growth Management Agreements and to introduce the <br />ordinance modifying the PUD-97-12 to grant an extension to the development plan and <br />vesting tentative map to September 15, 2003. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman referred to Mr. Bates' statement that banks were not as supportive of <br />bigger homes and she felt the community was also having a problem with big box houses. The <br />community wants smaller, more affordable, houses. The Chamber of Commerce has indicated it <br />wants more affordable housing for the workforce of Pleasanton. She was not convinced about <br />this development. If the developer were asked to make an additional contribution in exchange <br />for allowing a change in the growth management numbers, the City may get a better project or an <br />increased contribution that could result in a bypass road being built sooner. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell agreed with Ms. Ayala's statements. He thanked Mr. Bates for the <br />proposed $500,000 contribution to infrastructure. He felt the Council was obligated to provide a <br />bypass road for the golf course and this is one of the pieces necessary for that. He wanted to <br />approve the extension and see that the bypass road goes forward. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky offered an amendment that would provide the $500,000 goes directly to the <br />fund for the bypass road. <br /> <br />Ms. McKeehan assumed that is what would occur. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala accepted the amendment. In response to the remarks of Ms. Hosterman, she <br />said she had been involved in the original approval of this project. She said there were promises <br />made to the neighbors concerning this project and she wanted to make certain those promises <br />were kept. To talk about changing the project and perhaps a total new development was not <br />acceptable to her. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico was also involved in this project from the beginning and he has never <br />supported it. He felt the design was poor and there was too much grading of the hills. No park <br />facility is being provided. It was conditioned on approval of the annexation and subsequently <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 13 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />