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Ms. Ayala asked if the signal would be installed as the new Vineyard Avenue is <br />constructed? <br /> Mr. Knowles said it is a separate issue. Staff could send a letter to Signature at any time <br />to indicate it is time to build the signal. <br /> <br />Ms. Michelotti thought that was already in the works. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said staff had been discussing it, but Public Works has not notified <br />Signature Properties yet. <br /> <br /> Sgt. Rawlings (sp?) with the California Highway Patrol indicated the CHP is very <br />concerned with safety. He referred to Mr. Knowles remark that there are fewer collisions on <br />freeways, however they are more severe. Stopping distances at 30 mph is 164 feet. Stopping <br />distance at 60 mph is 303 feet. He cited a big rig collision on westbound 580 a few years ago <br />just before 680 and noted the fatalities. He was concerned about traffic backing onto northbound <br />680 as a result of this metering. He referred to injuries sustained from a rear end collision. He <br />said traffic on 680 goes over a hill and around a right curve just before the Sunol exit. If there is <br />congestion there, there is a greater danger of an accident. The CHP also has a philosophy of <br />getting cars off the roadway and onto the shoulder as soon as possible so another collision is not <br />caused. He said people should consider inconvenience or safety. Inconvenience to a few <br />residents exiting at Sunol or safety of all the users of the freeway. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala asked if he had observed the freeway offramp since metering started. <br /> <br /> Sgt. Rawlings said he had. He had a video of the area and there is congestion. Not <br />severe, but you must remember there is an economic downtown, but it will improve and there <br />will be more traffic on 680. He felt the Bernal off ramp would be better for metering because <br />you can see farther down the highway. He felt Sunol was a bad choice because of the <br />configuration of the freeway. It doesn't give a motorist much time to observe the situation and <br />stop safely. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala asked if there were a concern about the shoulder of the road at Sunol. <br /> <br /> Sgt. Rawlings said it was. CHP officers use shoulders to put damaged cars on and to <br />make enforcement contacts. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked if he was at the meeting on his own or at the direction of his <br />Commander. <br /> <br /> Sgt. Rawlings said his Commander asked him to come to the meeting and to monitor the <br />area. He felt Council should see the video to really understand what happens in that area. <br /> <br /> Ron Bissinger, Vintage Hills, agreed with the CHP officer. He said he drives the route <br />daily and has experience the backup. He was concerned about the backup in this area especially <br />when winter arrives and it is dark. He felt there could be liability to the City in the event of a <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />8 08/22/02 <br /> <br /> <br />