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A Commendation was presented to Jacquelyn Evans for winning second place at the <br />American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest. <br /> <br />Other Speakers <br /> <br /> Patricia Belding, 7703 Highland Oaks Drive, indicated she was the Pleasanton contact <br />person for the Th-Valley Interfaith Poverty Forum. She thanked Councilmember Campbell for <br />supporting affordable housing and for rescinding his motion regarding an initiative in order to <br />simplify the decisions the voters must make in November. In an effort to clear up some <br />confusion about the efforts to put affordable housing on the Bernal property, she said the housing <br />will not fill up the remaining acres on the Bemal property. The proposal made to the Task Force <br />was specifically for five acres of senior affordable housing and ten acres of family affordable <br />housing. This is what the task force approved. The proposal was specific and limited. It is only <br />five percent of the property which belongs to the City. She wholeheartedly supported the park <br />concept and felt there could be a park and other uses on the property at the same time. It is not <br />an either/or choice. She referred to Bruce Fiedler's comments that there can be a park and many <br />of the community uses, such as cultural arts buildings, a YMCA, and a limited acreage of needed <br />affordable housing scattered in the most sensible places on the property. She has heard people <br />say they were in support of affordable housing, but not on the Bemal property. She asked, if not <br />there, where? City-owned land is necessary for any affordable housing. Buying land elsewhere <br />in Pleasanton could cost up to $1 million per acre. Pleasanton does not have this kind of money <br />to buy land for affordable housing and to build it. This is the most feasible site available and the <br />amount of acreage requested is limited. She has also heard some people say that affordable <br />housing would create ghettos in Pleasanton. She said there is already attractive affordable <br />housing in Pleasanton and it has not created ghettos. Ridge View Commons and The Promenade <br />on Case Avenue are City affordable housing developments. Most people do not recognize this <br />because they are so attractive. The combined acreage of these two developments is more than <br />the acreage proposed for the Bernal property. The City has a policy of mixed-income for its <br />family affordable housing so that half of the development like Promenade is market rate units <br />suitable for moderate income people and half is for lower income families. No one knows which <br />tenant pays the lower-income rent. There is no social stigma in these units. This mixed-income <br />policy would apply to any affordable housing put on the Bemal property. Lastly, she referred to <br />the figure of 600 units which is being discussed in the community. The planning staff suggested <br />150 senior units and 205 general units, for a total of 355 units to start discussions. The Bernal <br />Task Force approved the affordable housing, but declined to set forth a density. She truly <br />believed that is the situation at this point. She urged that people stop talking about 600 units. <br /> <br /> Terry Broderick, 4218 Fairlands Drive, said he attended the Bemal Avenue Task Force <br />meeting last week. The Task Force is faced with the prospect of trying to get to the place it was <br />headed until this ill-timed and ill-conceived initiative came about. He felt the Task Force was <br />ill-served by the initiative. It has followed Council directions and has held many meetings and <br />spent many hours receiving public input. Many groups have addressed the Task Force to make <br />their desires known. The Task Force reviewed all this information many times and made <br />recommendations to Council. Now it appears the Task Force is being dismissed by the actions <br />of the initiative proponents. By not allowing the Task Force to complete its work, all the public <br />input is negated and the public process is thwarted. All the groups who have followed Council <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 8 05/07/02 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />