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It was moved by Ms. Michelotti, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to introduce Ordinance No. <br />1853, to be read by title only and waiving further reading thereof, to increase the term of <br />the Youth Commissioners to three 2-year terms, and to allow representation from the sixth <br />grade. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Campbell, Dennis, Michelotti, and Mayor Pico <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis indicated she has given whether to pay a stipend to the Youth Commission <br />quite a bit of thought. She began thinking it was not necessary. However, after serving on a <br />number of commissions and seeing how people view their jobs, the compensation is very small <br />compared to the hours spent. People take a job more seriously if they receive some <br />compensation. Compensation indicates this is real contribution to the community. If Youth <br />Commissioners are compensated, they are expected to put in the same kind of hours and view the <br />job with the same level of responsibility as an adult commissioner. It will be a job they love and <br />the worst paying job they will ever have. It is a service to the community and not done for the <br />money. This is not just a volunteer service committee, but a job with decision making <br />responsibility. The fact that they are compensated by the taxpayers for exercising that judgment <br />and responsibility and for doing this means they must take it seriously. These kids could be <br />using their time at a real job with real money, but they are dedicating their time for the city and <br />they should not be penalized. It is unfortunate the City cannot compensate the younger kids, but <br />this is good experience. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala felt this was the worst step that could be taken. When the idea first came up, <br />she was shocked. There is a partnership with the School District and years were spent working <br />on the Youth Master Plan to create a community of character and service. There was no <br />discussion whatsoever about this with the School District. She talked to many teachers and <br />administrators and they all said they were opposed to this because it sends the wrong message to <br />the young people. They are in a learning mode and should not be learning this correlation <br />between doing work for the community and getting a monetary reward. There are 239 students <br />working 2,223 hours volunteering for the library for summer reading programs. They do this for <br />community service. If we begin to teach children that in order to volunteer, you must get paid, <br />that is really the wrong message. The least Council should do is to take this to the School <br />Liaison Committee for review. Throwing money at projects or people doesn't solve complex <br />problems. It reinforces a characteristic of consumerism that all things are commodities to be <br />bought and sold and the core value of success equals acquisition. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico felt this was a City commission, not with the School District, and he felt it <br />was an issue of fairness. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti favored a school credit and working with the District to provide that. <br />Years ago when she worked on the Planning Commission there was no stipend. People <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 14 05/07/02 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />