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It was moved by Mayor Pico, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to approve the grant <br />recommendations of the Youth Commission to the extent of $20,000 with Stoneridge Water <br />Polo and the Vintage Hills Robotics Enrichment Group receiving $3,300 each and the <br />water polo allocation to be given to the Parks and Community Services Department for <br />purchase of the necessary water polo equipment. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Campbell, Michelotti, and Mayor Pico <br />NOES: Councilmember Dennis <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />There was a break at 9:05 p.m. <br /> <br />The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m. <br /> <br />Item 5c <br />Zone 7 curtailment of water flow in Arroyo <br />(1) Request from Mayor Pico for Council support of his request to LAFCo (as a LAFCo <br />member) for a service review of Zone 7 to require Zone 7 to continue year round flow in <br />Arroyo del Valle. <br />(2) Memo from Randall A. Lum summarizing status of Arroyo del Valle water flow. <br />(SR 02:168) <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico indicated he had requested this item to be placed on the agenda. He was <br />appointed to the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) by the <br />Alameda County Conference of Mayors. He is very concerned about the curtailment of water <br />flow in the Arroyo del Valle. He understands this is a complicated issue and has asked LAFCo <br />to agendize this issue because he believed that under the new guidelines and procedures for <br />LAFCo that it has oversight over special districts and other issues within Alameda County. He <br />believed that the water flow through the Arroyo has become an accepted year-round function and <br />service that the residents of Pleasanton have come to accept. The Arroyo is a unique <br />environmental habitat that has been created over years of continuous water flow. LAFCo has the <br />charge under Section 10.13 of its guidelines to ensure that "no new or different function or class <br />of service shall be provided by any existing district, except upon approval of the commission." It <br />is his opinion discontinuing the year-round flow in the Arroyo is going to be a significant change <br />in the level of service to Pleasanton. He believed that LAFCo has been charged with insuring <br />that there is environmental justice. He realized Zone 7 must provide water to residential, <br />commercial, and agricultural customers, but he also felt it had a responsibility to the environment <br />and recreational needs. There is a dramatic reduction in the water flow in the Arroyo and a <br />significant lowering of the water level in Shadow Cliffs Regional Park. He believed there was a <br />need for discussion and felt LAFCo could support his position that there was a change in service <br />level and should call for a service review. While the service review is in process, he believed <br />LAFCo had the authority to require that the water continue to flow in the Arroyo. He requested <br />Council to support his position. He was concerned that conservation issues have not been <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 12 07/09/02 <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />