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Item 6e <br />2002 Local and Regional Appointments for City Counciimembers (SR 01: 283) <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico indicated Ms. Dennis had suggested changing the alternate representative for <br />the Waste Management Board. Mr. Campbell is the alternate and is unable to attend daytime <br />meetings. Ms. Ayala was willing to serve as the alternate. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis briefly reviewed the work of the Waste Management Board and the meetings <br />required. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mayor Pico, seconded by Ms. Dennis, to adopt Resolution No. <br />01-124, ratifying the Mayor's assignments to local and regional Boards and Commissions <br />for 2002, with the change that Ms. Ayala will replace Mr. Campbell as alternate for the <br />Waste Management Board. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Campbell, Dennis, Michelotti, and Mayor Pico <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mayor Pico, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to adopt Resolution No. <br />01-125, appointing Becky Dennis as Vice Mayor for 2002. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Campbell, Dennis, Michelotti, and Mayor Pico <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />7. MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCIL <br /> Ms. Michelotti asked about funding of the Vineyard Avenue improvements. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated there are preliminary estimates for the roadway, but staff would <br />prefer not to comment until more information is known. Staff believes that information will be <br />available in January. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked when the priority setting session would take place. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said in March or April. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell wanted to include revisiting recycling issues on the list. People in Ruby <br />Hill seem to think there is no recycling in Pleasanton. He knows there is a blue bag program and <br />information is sent to residents, but he was not sure how effective that was. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 18 12/04/01 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />