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Mr. Campbell asked if the company would maintain security 24 hours a day on the <br />campus and if that would solve the problem of public access to the trails? <br /> <br /> Mr. Sage said there would be 24-hour security. They had no concerns about Sunol <br />Boulevard or the northerly trail because they are far removed from the interior of the campus. <br />They still have concerns about allowing the public in the interior of the campus and the attractive <br />nuisance of the lake. The former facilities manager for the Kaiser site indicated that had been a <br />problem over the years. Kaiser did allow single user or invitation-only visitors on the site and <br />Applied Biosystems has not precluded that option in the future. However, the company does not <br />want to open the site to unknown individuals. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked if consideration had been given to the City of Pleasanton assuming <br />some liability for the trail users. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush responded that the City has entered into agreements with property owners to <br />allow members of the public to use trails and if there were injuries, then the property owners <br />would be indemnified. In terms of liability, it is not a major issue for the City to take on that <br />responsibility. The question is more one of security for the company rather than a liability issue. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated the use of the site is different than it might be if the trail were a <br />continuation of an adjacent trail, as opposed to one that goes through the site. We are in different <br />times than a few years ago. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell said there is a difference between kids having a good time on a Friday <br />night and a couple walking their dog on Saturday morning. He wondered if there were a way to <br />allow community members who live in that area to do that. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti referred to the ring road around the Bernal Corporate Plaza. That is an <br />area with many different uses and businesses. She also pointed out people go to Stoneridge Mall <br />before it is open to walk around it. This situation is different because it is a single user campus. <br />There is also concern about the type of work being done here. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sage indicated the company will be making a contribution to the park fund and he <br />hoped those funds would be used in the south Pleasanton area. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico acknowledged the activity of the neighborhood on this project and <br />recognized that there are still some issues of concern. He sensed that there is no significant <br />objection to this project going forward by the community. He suggested reviewing each of the <br />items in the staff report. He was concerned about the taller buildings, but liked the architectural <br />design and appreciated having two-story buildings closer to the street. He asked if there were <br />any strong objections by Council to the height of the building as proposed by the staff and <br />Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis complimented the project team because at last she has seen a roof screen that <br />she likes. An important principle of architecture is that the function of a building should be <br />expressed by its design. To not have the building designed appropriately for the use and to try <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 12 12/04/01 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />