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Pleasanton. A good plan, well-thought out growth is good for the City and its residents. He <br />urged approval of the project. <br /> <br /> Terry Thompson, 5769 San Carlos Way, indicated he has been a plant manager for 21 <br />years and a registered environmental assessor. He has never seen a nicer campus plan in his life <br />and urged Council approval. <br /> <br /> Allan Brohard, 7695 Glenhrook Court, indicated he is a construction worker and member <br />of the IBEW. As a resident of Pleasanton, he supports this project. This high quality campus <br />will create many good jobs for the construction community and for others in the community for <br />years to come. He felt whenever employers like this can be attracted to Pleasanton, the City and <br />its residents will benefit. It is projects like this along with Hacienda Business Park and others <br />that have attracted residents. Council and the Planning Commission are to be commended. This <br />community is a good balance of housing and jobs. He urged Council to approve the project. <br /> <br /> Robert Wright, 2538 Corte Bella, former Planning Commissioner and member of the <br />electricians local. He agreed with other comments about the good planning for the community <br />and the good job balance and diversity of the economy. Applied Biosystems is a company that <br />will be here for a long time. He supported the project and felt the design was great. He felt the <br />height increase was insignificant. The project is consistent with the General Plan, the PUD, it <br />helps the Sycamore Valley Specific Plan since it integrates the same commercial use that was <br />previously approved for that area, enhances Sunol Boulevard and will aid traffic flow. He hoped <br />Council would unanimously approve the project. <br /> <br /> Dick Jayne, 7802 Bemal Avenue, indicated he was a Deputy Sheriff in the Valley in <br />1970 and is familiar with the area. He also worked for the Pleasanton Police Department and is <br />familiar with the Kaiser property. He now has a large private security company. He has been <br />employed by Kaiser and is now on contract with Applied Biosystems. He is familiar with what <br />happens on the property at night near the lake area. He believed the north trail is a good area for <br />people to walk and to access the Bernal property when the parks are completed. In a utopian <br />world it would be nice for families to walk their dogs and have picnics near the lake; however, in <br />reality there are problems with teenagers and drinking at night in the area. He supported the <br />project and felt it is one of the best he has seen. <br /> <br /> Jeff Brenner, 6379 Arlington Drive, indicated he works at Applied Biosystems and lives <br />in Pleasanton across from the proposed project. He fully supports the project. With regard to <br />the height increase, he felt it was negligible. The building and color scheme will blend in <br />beautifully with the surrounding neighborhood. The project will be an enhancement to the <br />neighborhood. He recommended approval of the PUD. This is an excellent company and will <br />be a great addition to Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Tim Arnold, 5718 Dalton Creek Way, said he just purchased a home in Pleasanton. He <br />was pleased to see Applied Biosystems would be his new neighbor and was happy to see a <br />dormant resource in south Pleasanton being revitalized. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 10 12/04/01 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />