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building facilities when we need them. He war vory upset that the District is now saying <br />it has what it needs to take care of all the future needs. He did not see anything wrong <br />with the existing agreement. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti said the School District has set forth facility needs in the future. <br />She artended a Board meeting that outlined that to the community. The Board has <br />carefully considered the needs and we have worked very hard on this agreement and a <br />way to provide the money for the community and to meet the children's needs. <br />Developers have indicated they will help in this. They will ignore the fact that they could <br />rely on the Stare mandate and pay a lot less, She was tired of the negatlvism and saying <br />the Board did everything wrong. We are doing something right and she war proud to say <br />she was part of it. She hoped the Council would support the School Board in its decision. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Ms. Michelotti, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to concur that the <br />School Impact Fee be increased to $6.50/square foot for all new residential <br />construction, concur in the other "Points of Agreement", and authorize, where <br />necessary, execution of agreements consistent with the Points of Agreement. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala felt it was pointless to dwell on the past. The City adopted a housing <br />cap of 29,000 units and has growth management. We sent that direction to the School <br />Board and it is planning its future with those numbers. She didn't want to beat up past <br />School Boards or City Councils. Look at what we are dealing with today and make the <br />best decisions. In looking at the carh flows, this provides flexibility to provide facilities <br />to build out. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis supported the motion. We have done a great job and Ben war part of <br />that. We have made a great deal of progress. If we were in such bad shape, people <br />wodid not still be coming here for the schools. Plearanton has done a good job against <br />steep odds to provide things that most other communities cannot. It is not a neat process <br />and there are lots of hills to climb, but we are trying to work together to get a win/win <br />solution. She did not agree we are back where we started. She felt we have made <br />tremendous progress. She looked forward to doing more things in the future but this <br />represents this moment in time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pico shared Mayor Tarver's frustration with the history of this process, but he <br />also was in support of the School District and the School Board and the current analysis <br />of what it believes it needs. <br /> <br /> A substitution motion was made by Mr. Pico, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to <br />concur that the School Impact Fee be increased to $6.50/square foot for all new <br />residential construction, to concur in the other "Points of Agreement', but any final <br />agreements that the City will sign will be presented to Council for review. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 9 10/03/00 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />