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Ms. Morley indicated that she works with new organizations and helps them <br />contact related non-profit groups. She explains the City's process and continually <br />informs the existing agencies which the City has been working with about the work of the <br />committee. This will help all three Commissions make better decisions and <br />recommendations. There is overlap among those Commissions, particularly with regard <br />to funding for youth. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti felt the most important aspect was to create consistency. The <br />application addresses all sources of funding and how the City fits into the entire scenario <br />as well as whether the group would transition to a service agency for the City. <br /> <br /> Ms. Morley indicated there are also some grants awarded to agencies that have <br />contracts with the City. That allows for two funding mechanisms and sometimes three <br />when Community Development Block Grants are allocated. The next step is to work <br />with the Commissions on developing the contractual portion. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis said her question was aimed at a different aspect. For example, at the <br />Recycling Board level, she had worked in granting funding to emerging organizations to <br />help them start to provide services. She believed funding is necessary to provide funding <br />of services to the community. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wolfe believed that Ms. Morley provides that kind of startup assistance. One <br />of the reasons the subcommittee approved the phased approach is to give an organization <br />a jump start on providing services and create other funding bases to assist them. <br /> <br /> Julie Testa, 3494 Torlano Court, indicated she had concerns about the phased <br />funding. She had voted for this as a member of the Human Services Commission <br />because she felt most of the efforts of the subcommittee were worth supporting. She <br />believed that if there are successful non-profit agencies, there should be unquestioned <br />support for them. She was concerned about the step down process. She has continually <br />asked for information about the contract process. She would have felt better if she had <br />known that some of the agencies she was concerned about were under a different funding <br />umbrella or under contract with the City. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti felt the step down process was to provide more opportunity for <br />more non-profits to receive funding. The Community Development Block Grants <br />(CDBG) address some of the needs as well. <br /> <br /> Ms. Testa indicated the CDBG funds are much more restrictive in how they can <br />be used. The City grants would be used for different purposes. <br /> <br /> Mayor Tarver asked if the Human Services Commission understood the <br />guidelines. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 13 01/04/00 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />