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<br />Mr. Patton reviewed the reports of the Park and Recreation <br />Commission and from the Fair Liaison Committee. It was the recom- <br />mendation of the Park and Recreation Commission that marathon <br />motorcycle racing should be allowed, two non""conseduti ve days per <br />month; that all motorcycles be equipped with a legal muffler; that <br />all motorcycles not exceed 500 cc in engine displacement; and that <br />the fairgrounds be assured that all reasonable efforts of dust <br />control and spectator safety be complied with. <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon Cave, 5553 Black Avenue, Vice President of the Two <br />Plus Two Motorcycle Club of DUblin, recommended that the City Council <br />seriously consider the establishment of this type of facility. <br /> <br />He indicated that they are asking for approval on a 90-day basis. <br /> <br />Councilman Herlihy asked about precautions taken regarding noise <br />and dust. Mr. Cave stated that they will have to have a water truck <br />and perhaps use chemicals in the water to make it soak into the ground. <br />The dust problem is as much of a nuisance to the riders as it is to <br />the area itself. Mr. Cave also stated that the requirements this <br />year will include limitation to 88 decibals for mufflers. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee Hall, Fair Manager, was present and stated that even with <br />City Council approval, this matter would still need to be reviewed <br />and approved by the Fair Board. <br /> <br />Councilman Pearson stated that there have been some complaints <br />in the past regarding the dust and noise and there would have to <br />be precautions taken to alleviate these complaints. He advised Mr. <br />Cave that if there are a number of complaints, thd:s type of activity <br />will have to be discontinued. <br /> <br />Coucilman Mori moved that the City Council endorse the recommenda- <br />tions of the Fair Liaison Committee that we attempt to establish a <br />two-wheeled vehicular park in cooperation with the Alameda County <br />Fair Board, said park to be endorsed for a 90-day period. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Herlihy, Kinney, Mori, Pearson, and Mayor Reid. <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />Mayor Reid recessed the meeting at 9:50 P.M. <br /> <br />Mayor Reid reconvened the meeting at 9:55 P.M. <br /> <br />Matters for the Information of the Council <br />Mr. Edgar presented a letter from Bruce Morrison of Morrison <br />Homes commending the Fire Department. <br /> <br />Mr. Edgar presented information on incident of Police Department <br />and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ihde. <br /> <br />Mr. Edgar presented a letter ~ clarification from Doug Amis <br />regarding Institute of Theatre Studies ~rogram Budget Req~est for <br />Fiscal Year 1973. <br /> <br />Mr. Edgar presented to Council the presentation to the State <br />Water Board made by Mayor pro tem Mori on behalf of Mayor Reid. <br /> <br />Mr. Edgar advised the Council that staff is preparing a State <br />of the City Message and would like to have some comments from each <br />Councilman regarding past accomplishments and future goals before <br />the end of the month. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />1/8/73 <br />