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~il;li'O!'(T{~ OF 'THE {:ITY MANAGER <br />;'.~51E!~_ .R_ e~_ Ambu 1- a ~;~'~__ S~b~ .i~Q u s t me ~ t: a iLid S a r v i c ~ ~ ¢.~s i n c ~ ea s e <br /> Mr, Walker pr-esalltad the staff report dated= N.a'<a-r~b{~ Q, t. 974, rega.~d l~y~ <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilman Philcox, and seconded by Councilwoman LeCiaire, <br />~hL{~= Resolution No. ~a-2~l amending the Joint Powers Agreement for Emergez~cy <br />Ambulance Serivces as i;c, l lows: (1) Tact'ease the monthly subsidy paid by Pleasan- <br />ton to Allen's Ambulance Ccmpany to $i,173~33, as required by the june 1, 1972, <br />Agreement; (2) Allow the Ambulance CornpanT to increase their rate structure as <br />l aquested - a, Pick up rate incre. ase f~om $45~00 to $50,00, and b,. Emergency <br />rare increase from $0 to $5,00; and (3) Requit'e Allen's .~'nbulanc:e Company <br />~ ,,ace an additional ambulance in the: Valleys, be adopted. <br />l=ae a~o].i call vole was a'~ foll. ows; <br />LYD;~:~: Councilman H.e~ 1%hy, Count i]woma~ LeCiaire, Counci iman Philcox, <br /> Mayor Mor:i <br />/~{;)ES; None <br />ABSENT: Count ilia Kiuney <br /> <br />Furthe~ ReEj! Cultural Arts Buildinl <br /> Mr. Bowling presented the staff report dated Novembe~ 8, 1974, regarding this <br />~a t t er. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Philcox, and seconded by Council- <br />won~n LeClatre, that the staff be authorized to go to bid on a permanent Cu] tu'ral <br />Arts Building, at a cost not to exceed $100,000¢00~ <br />The roll call vot'e was as fol!ows: <br />AYES: Councilmart Herl,[hy, Councilwoman LeClaire, Councilman Philcox, and <br /> ~yor Mor i <br />NOES; None <br />ABSENT: Councilman Kinney <br /> <br />Matters for the Inforn~ation of the Council <br /> <br />~ ::; engLrieez]~g rs~rvl,~.~:s Jt~'z' the Projec[~ Report on Lhe Water Quality' (]on~a:{7o] <br />y~Ta~n. Council axprea~;~ed <:oxmern regarding the high cost of {:onsultant fe, es, arid <br />~;.- ~aste. d breakdown on the additional costs from Kennedy Engineers regardigg <br /> ,q a <br /> <br /> Edgar p~.eseated a parityion from residents in ~he Stonerldge area border- <br /> , ~c, c;n Fo,~;h~ll Road regarding the ha;:~t,'dous co~ditions of that road. <br /> <br /> Mr,, Edgar presented a memorandum of the Police Chief regarding Bicycle Safety- <br /> ~'1~, F'.d~ar i~'esented the monthly ~'e. port on the Sunol Sewage Treatvment Plant. <br /> <br />~l=/:.!~ig.~lli,,_?.~l....f~,Dj j~L}~i,jE~T K.~an ~: zat' ion oft the ]~ ire Depar tin. eat <br /> ~.:f~ ~'~4,~ :raseu[ed his repot~t dated toyember ii, '974 ~egarding this <br />~:.~¢ ..v:~ ~ sc:~tinS. that Chief' Jc, n Frudden resigned his posiLion as Fire Chief', <br />:. tl{,:t ive Decemb~: ]..~ i974,. He added [hat this r. esigna. tion has been accepted <br />.. :=¢-~ 2;hlef WaLt~ ~.lcC]<~',~d ha~ b,c~ca appoint~?d Acting Director of Public Saf <br /> <br /> it:: wcks moved by Cc~unc:iirf~i Phficux, and seconded by Councilwcma~n LeC]a:iEe, <br /> <br />'~.,v~-.fnb,~=:: l] , ~'~"'~' .~=,~.~'din, eorganizaci,o~ oli the Ft. re Department, with the <br /> ;"~ Approve the ra?ruitment and selection of th'.cee <br />. ;;;2~ ~'jr~i%l~ln dad ,~.~? (i.";= ~',~*?7:.,.~m=?,n to be A<~u'~mpllshed by january ]., 1975, i.r~ <br />;:~:c7~,{da'nc-e with rhe 192~-75 Police and Fire budgeted reserve; (2) Approve, <br />· ~ =. ~: t,, z~pp~L.~'~;~',=~ d:~sct~s;,si.,;ns wi~h the employees involved, the shift <br /> <br /><.:n~.{.x:~.:Lon frcm a ZQ h~.~ur duty week t,:> a ~0 hour work week for Fire Captains; <br /> ¢-L ( Ap~=~rQve t stady i,>: Lh~ purpose of' recommending alterna--..,.- <br />'t [v< ~;:~'~'-' lc, r i:~i2. budget:ed funds [o~ the bentlit of Police and Fire tc, <br /> ~:,{? ~r~p}~,=met~ted as sogn after jarx{.~a~'y 1., !975, as possible, be adopted. <br /> The ~:o1. i call vote was as follows: <br /> Count [!man Herl ihy, Councilwoman LeClaire, Count ilman Philcox, and <br /> <br /> A[~:r;NT~ C~uncilman Kinney <br /> 11/ll/74 <br /> <br /> <br />