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CobaLt. climax, H~':,'i[by abstained from v~!i!.'~ag on item <br />14inures [o~ A~gusr 26 and 29, 19F~, bec~:~se of his abse~:e <br /> <br /> PUBLIC IIE~RINGS <br />Revocation cf Cer~iticate cf Pnblic Conveoie~'xce and Necessit'E~.:!!Lr.~[~ business <br /> as Pleasenoch Yellow Cab (Public Hearin~..ji2ntinued ~en ~om m~ln~ of 8-26-74) <br /> Mayor Mori state~ this public hearing was opened at the me~.r~ ~Z August 26, <br /> 1974, <br /> <br /> M~, Walker presented the staff repoct, dared September 13, i974, r:egarding <br />this matter, stating that the p~blic he~ring was continued because Mr;, Paich, <br />the bct~er of the Certificate, bad sold his taxi business to M~,. McOianis and <br />wanted to ~:~:ansfer ~he Certificate to ih~ new owaer. <br /> <br /> Mr~ McGianis explained the operation :~ his taxi business as ~o stands, time, <br />f. ee, and service~. <br /> <br /> Mayor MoTFi declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilwoman LoCiaisle, and seconded by Counciln~an Phiicox, <br />~ha~ Resolotion No. 74-172~ approving transfer of Certificate of Public Conven-~ <br />ience and Necessity from Stephen Paich, doing b~siness as Pleasanton Yellow Cab, <br />to Dakota McGinnis, St., for the operation of Yellow Cab of Plaasanton, with a <br />closed stand as designated by City staff~ be adopted~ <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES; Councilmen Herlihy, Kinney, Count i.lwoman LeClaire, Councilman Philcox, <br /> and ~yor Mori <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />~cati~jJf Vs~]:~y Memorial Hospital to amend the General Plan ef the CitI of <br />Pleasanton from lnst itut ions, ~im!_ted .Industrial, Gene~l~ndus tri~~! and. High <br />DenSity Residential, to Institutions, Pr2fessional and Administratj. ve Offices <br />and High Dens~ RestdJnfial ~r that_.~roximate~ 54.8 acres o[ land located <br />between Santa RLta Road~Wes~ Las P~sj~.~_.~yj~ the Southera Pa~ifi.: Railroad <br />ttjcjkZaJ) the TassaJara Canal <br /> Mayor Mori declared the public hea~ing on this item open. <br /> <br /> Mr'. Hat't~is presented the staff report, dated September %],, '197'4~ regarding <br />this item. <br /> <br /> Dick Btaden, MacKay and Somps, rep~esen~:ing Valley Memorial Hoal2ltal, intro- <br />duced the owne'~s o~ the proposed hospital, and stated they'~ed with the <br />stair t'epgrt, <br /> <br /> Jack Bras, Architect, sta~ed that a b~aster Plan. for the hospital had been <br />prepared and p~e~;ented =o the Bay Area Comp [{e~ltl~ Board but that application <br />would not be nmde ~n[:il such time as bed n~eds and ovex'a]1 :equi~emants had been <br />det'ermined, <br /> <br /> Mayor Mori~ declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> .[~: was moved by Coun~ilman Herlihy, an~ seconded by Counc.ilman Kinney, that <br />R~aolu~ .i on No~ 7L-173, app~'o~ing the ap[~lj.c~:ion of Valley Memorial Hospital <br />amend the Genera] Plan of the City of r!easanton from instit'utl.::}ns~ Limited <br />in,'~usi:~"la~,, Genes'a.[ industr:la] and High Density Residential, to Institutions, <br />P~:ofassio~a]. and A[iminlstfative Oifices and High Density Resic~entiaJ, for that <br />appre~imately 54~.8 acres of land located between Santa Rite Road, West Las <br />Pc;:~itas .Blvd., the S~uthern Eacific Ra!ll-?a,] t:acks, and the Tassajara Canal, <br />be aO. opt:ed,. <br />The rol~.:j!l____'v'o~'~.~ a~joJ. lows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Rerl~hy, Kinney, Co~nc ilwoman LeClaire, Councilmar~ Philcox, <br /> and Mayor' Mori <br />NOES;None <br />AB~F,N L: None <br /> <br /> 2. 9/16/74 <br /> <br /> <br />