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It was moved by Councilmember Wood, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, <br />that Ordinance No. 855, to be read by title only and waiving further reading <br />thereof, amending Subsection (c) of Section 2-5.37 (Front Yards: Requirements <br />and Exceptions) and Subsection (f) of Section 2-5.38 (Side and Read Yard: Re- <br />quirements and Exceptions) of Article 3 (Site, Yard, Bulk, Usable Open Space <br />and Screening and Landscaping Regulations), Chapter 2, Title II (Zoning and <br />Development) of the Ordinance Code of the City of Pleasanton relating to fences, <br />walls and hedges in front, side and rear yards, be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Brandes, Butler, Kephart, and Wood <br />NOES: ~yor Mercer <br />ABSLNT: None <br /> <br />Application of the City Council for an amendment to Section 2-7.08~a)~ Article <br />8~ C~hapter ~ Title II of the Ordinance Code of the City of ~easantop.~.. which <br />would revise~. comprehensivelye. the schedule of permitted and conditional uses <br />in all of the commercially zoned districts of the City of Pleasanton <br />(Continued Open from 3-28-78 and 5-9-78) <br /> }~yor Mercer declared this item dismissed from the agenda in accordance with <br />the recommendation of the Director of Planning and Community Development, .in his <br />report dated June 6, 1978. <br /> <br />~.~TTEI~S CONTIh~ED FOR DECISION <br /> There were no matters continued for decision presented at this meeting. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer recessed the meeting at 10:00 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer reconvened the meeting at 10:10 P.M. <br /> <br />SPECIAL REPORTS <br />SCope of Work for Housin5 Authority Operation Review <br /> Mayor Mercer declared this item continued to the meeting of June 27, 1978, <br />as requested by Councilmember Brandes. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COmmISSIONS <br />~eport,' Re: Action taken by the Plannin~ Commission on items at their Special <br />}~.eetin~ of May 25, 1978 <br /> Mr. F2rris presented his report dated May 30, 1978, regarding this matter. <br />No action was required or taken by Council on this item. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF THE CITY MANAGER <br />Resolution AmendinS Fees and Char~es Resolution No. 77-123 Relating to Sewer <br />Connection Fees <br /> Mr. Brown presented the report of the Director of Public Works and Utilities <br />dated June 7, 1978, regarding this matter. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, <br />that Resolution No. 78-157, amending Resolution No. 77-123, Establishing Fees <br />and Charges for various Municipal Services of the City of Pleasanton, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Brandes, Butler, Kephart, Wood, and ~yor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />Mission Park Zoning Study <br /> Mayor Mercer declared this item continued to the meeting of June'27, 1978 or <br />July 11, 1978, at the request of the Mission Park Homeowners Association. <br /> <br /> 6. 6/13/78 <br /> <br /> <br />