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3. Form a citizens committee charged to do two things. <br /> <br /> a - Formulate recommendations for a safe route for these children from Valley Avenue to school. <br /> <br /> b - Formulate recommendations for the immediate completion of E1 Charro Road from 1-580 to Stanley." <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mercer inquired as to the cost of crossing guards and the cost <br />of bussing children to school. He cited the Donion School problem addressed by <br />the City Council last year. He stated the City shared in the cost of crossing <br />guards for this group of children. Mr. Brown stated that staff could investigate <br />the situation and possibly with an asphalt path that bicycles and pedestrians <br />could be kept off the street. He stated this could be declared an emergency, <br />acquire an informal bid and that possibly this project could be completed by <br />the time school starts. Mr. Pearson stated he wanted the bicyclers and pedestrians <br />separated. Councilmember Butler inquired about the re-districting of school <br />children. Mr. Pearson stated the School District stated they would not do this. <br />~, yor Brandes stated that even if there ~as a major undergoing to mitigate the <br />safety hazards, it is still an inordinate distance away and some pressure should <br />be placed upon the School Board. Mr. Pearson stated that improving all of Santa <br />Rita Road ~ould be expensive but that the areas in question could be improved <br />quickly with limited cost and that money allocated for the Railroad Track Conso- <br />!idaticn Project could be used. Mr. Pearson explained the time schedule involved. <br />Councilmember Mercer suggested a citizens committee with the City staff be formed <br />as soon as possible to review this situation. Mayor Brandes stated that such a <br />committee should include Councilmembers and the School Board as well as the <br />citizens. Councilmember Butler stated he doubted that the Engineering s~ has <br />good figures for completion of that small portion of Santa Rita Ro~ <br />by Mr. Pearson. He further stated that before that could be discussed that Council <br />needed a reasonable estimate. Councilmember Butler further stated that 3~ miles is <br />an unreasonable walking distance for children to commute. Mr. Pearson stated he <br />would be happy to serve on a citizens committee. M~yor Brandes and Councilmember <br />Butler also stated they would serve. Councilmember Mercer stated the School Board <br />should be invited and anyone else who would be interested. Mayor Brandes stated <br />this matter was very important and possibly a meeting could be held on a Saturday <br />morning. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ron Pozzebon, 2808 Longspur Way, spoke regarding his concern of the shopping <br />center on Hopyard and Valley and a letter recently received by residents in the area <br />relative to waiving their right to claims as the developer planned to put some type <br />of "poison" on the dirt to keep the dust down. He stated that he and his neighbors <br />would like the City to inquire as to what kind of poison is going to be used and why <br />the need for a waiver if it isn't dangerous to property and people. He suggested <br />withholding the building permit if one has not already been issued concerning this <br />project pending the final determination. Councilmember Mercer spoke to rainy weather <br />and this project when dirt washes onto Valley Avenue, making a mess. He suggested <br />the City Attorney review the letter presented to the homeowners by the developer and <br />advise the people on Longspur Way regarding the meaning of the letter. Mayor Brandes <br />inquired as to what could be done to control dust. He referred to a standard condi- <br />tion of project approval of the Planning Commission concerning this matter, when the <br />project is approved for development. The City Manager stated they had contact with <br />TAM Investment Company concerning this matter and that they stated they would be <br />putting the same solution on their property as used for the temporary parking lots <br />around the Fairgrounds to keep the dust down. (TAM's counsel was in the audience <br />but left by the t~ne this topic was discussed). Councilmember Mercer asked if the <br />City could stop poison from being put do~. The City Attorney responded yes, the <br /> <br /> 3. 6/26/79 <br /> <br /> <br />