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stated it would require a number of meetings to complete this report before April <br />when the next general plan amendment review by City Council is scheduled. <br /> <br /> Mayor Brandes stated the report would first go to the Planning Commission for <br />review and comment before being heard by Council and this could not be done by April. <br />Mayor Brandes suggested that the report be required to be completed by July 1, 1980, <br />or earlier is possible. Mayor Brandes stated he would not like to have a moratorium <br />placed on general plan amendments in case some application was presented that needed <br />~mmediate action, but he did want to assure the citizens that no general plan amend- <br />ment would be considered unless it was urgent. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated he felt Council should not schedule any general plan <br />amendments for April, and that the next time general plan amendments are scheduled <br />to be reviewed is in August. He added that if something extremely important should <br />come up, then it should be heard before August. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Council- <br />member Wood, that Resolution No. 79-250, determining that no general plan amendments <br />be scheduled for public hearing until a review of the General Plan by a citizens <br />committee had been completed, said report to be finished by June 1, 1980, but stating <br />that any application may be voted on to allow for public hearing before that time if <br />it is deemed necessary by three votes of the Council, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Butler, Kephart, Mercer, Wood, and Mayor Brandes <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />Application of Harris Realty Company to .~hange t~e land use .deSignation of the General <br />Plan for the proRerties located at 444~ 471~ 486~ 496 and 459 St. Mary Street from <br />'~'High_Densi. t'7' Re~fdential" to ."Commercial and Office~~ .... ' ....... <br /> <br />On the basis of an Initial Study of the potential environmental imp.a.~ts of the pro- <br />]~ct, the Director of Planning and Commu. nit7 Development has determined that the <br />proposed pr.o]ect would not have any potential significant adverse effects on the <br />environment and that an environmental impact report need not be prepared. This <br />Initial Study is available for review at the Planning Division~ 200 Bernal Avenue, <br />Pleasanton. Comments on this decision may be directed to either the Planning staff <br />prior to the above meeting date, or directly to the City Council at the above <br />noticed meetin~ <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report dated December 4, 1979, regarding this matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brown stated that Harris Realty Company had sold their property on St. Mary <br />Street and were no longer interested in this application but since other applicants <br />are involved the public hearing should continue. <br /> <br /> }~yor Brandes declared the public hearing open on the application and the nega- <br />tive declaration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Harris, representing Harris Realty Company, stated he felt funds should <br />be allocated for the maintenance and restructuring of older homes in the downtown <br />area. He added that additional study should be done on this matter. <br /> <br /> The following persons spoke in opposition to this item: <br /> <br /> 7. 12/11/79 <br /> <br /> <br />