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Councilmember Butler suggested that discussion and public input be taken tonight <br />and asked the City Attorney to comment on the "advisory/mandatory" situation con- <br />cerning this issue. The City Attorney responded that typically General Plan guide- <br />lines are considered advisory except for Housing Element guidelines drafted by HCD <br />who considers them as mandatory. Mr. Levine advised that "Fair Share" has upset <br />many cities with regard to the percentage of low and moderate housing they are <br />supposed to be providing for in the General Plan and that it is virtually impos- <br />sible for Pleasanton to meet established "Fair Share" guidelines. He stated the <br />League of California Cities considers the Housing Element guidelines to be advisory <br />and that he agrees with this. The issue is being fought out now in the case of <br />Bownds v. Glendale, in which the City has joined Amicus brief supporting the con- <br />tention that the Housing Element is "advisory" and not "mandatory". He stated this <br />matter is being appealed to the courts now. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer expressed concern regarding preparation of an element which may not <br />be acceptable to the State of California. He asked what would happen if an element <br />is not adopted. The City Attorney stated there are a couple of potential problems; <br />namely, funding by HC&D and other agencies may be withheld, or a suit similar to <br />Gtendale's could be filed wherein our Housing Element could be challanged as incom- <br />plete, and subdivisions could not be approved. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated that no matter how you view the Housing Element it <br />is clear that tentative map approvals, etc., could be held up without one. The City <br />Attorney stated it is hard to believe a judge would stop development for lack of a <br />Housing Element without a substantial bond being provided by the plaintiff. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated it would be needless to go over the plan and then have it <br />changed because of deficiencies as defined by the State. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Kephart' stated the matter definitely needs public input and he <br />wanted to make sure that on this very important issue that public input is taken <br />into account. He further stated he tends to agree with the League of California <br />Cities and is sure the State has had other communities with the same complaint <br />concerning "Fair Share". <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer suggested that testimony be taken now from anyone in the audience <br />who may not be able to comment at future public hearings. Councilmember Wood <br />stated that if the plan were changed, more public hearings would have to take <br />place. Mr. Harris stated any public testimony would be helpful in directing the <br />staff to prepare the report. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that <br />action be deferred on the Housing Element at least until input from the State was <br />received. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Kephart, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSbNT: None <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> Frank C. Brandes, Jr., 6889 Corte Sonada, stated he felt the City should have <br />some type of Housing Element that the people would support and if what the people <br />desire coincides ~Tith the State Requirements fine, but if not the elected officials <br />of this community should represent their desires - whatever they may be. He <br /> <br /> 2, 8/7/80 <br /> <br /> <br />