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187 , <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open on this item and continued to the <br /> meeting of January 26, 1982, 8:00 P.M., Fairgrounds Cafeteria, to allow Planning <br /> Commission review and recommendation on this matter. <br /> <br />Application of CPK Associates and Walter Pan~aniban for Planned Unit Development <br />zoning and development plan approval for a medium density residential project con- <br />sisting of 113 single-family homes and 83 townhouses on an approximately 21 acre <br />site located at the northwest corner of Rheem Drive and Oakland Avenue. Zonin~ . <br />.for the property is "A" (Ag/leultural) District. The City Council ma~ consider <br />and recommend any zoning for the property consistent with the General Plan <br /> <br /> On the basis of an Initial Study of the potential environmental impacts of the <br /> project~ the Director of Plannin$ and. Community Development has determined that <br /> the proposed project would not have any potential significant adverse effects on <br /> the environment and that an environmental impact report need not be prepared. <br /> This Initial Stu. d.y is available for review at the Planning Division~ 200 Bernal <br /> Avenue, Pleasanton. ~omments on this decision may be directed to either the <br /> Plannin~ staff prior to the above meettn~ dateFor to the City Council <br /> at the above noticed meetin~ <br /> (Contd. Open from 12-8-81) <br /> Mr. HarriS'presented his report (SR 81:435) dated December 1, 1981, regarding <br /> this matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer. declared the continued public hearing open on the application and <br /> the negative declaration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Tyler, representing TyCal, stated his project is high quality afford- <br /> able housing in the price range of $60,000-$90,000. He presented nine different <br /> designs of housing. He stated he has made a commitment to the mortgage revenue bond <br /> program. He stated the prices fall within the guidelines of HUD for low and medium <br /> income housing formula and will be a two year project. <br /> <br /> Mr. Charles Huff, representing Baldwin and Huff Associates, elaborated on the <br /> proposed project, showing slides of the house sizes and styles, elevations, and <br /> materials. He reviewed the energy saving devices and the dual ownership features. <br /> He stated these are high quality constructed houses, not factory built homes. He <br /> stated that he felt the project will benefit Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tyler addressed the park matter, stating that the park was originally in- <br /> tended to be dedicated to the City but the Park and Recreation Commission had re- <br /> commended this not be.done because of additional maintenance that would be required <br /> of the City. Mr. Tyler stated the park has been relocated within the project and <br /> will be maintained by the condominium homeowners association, but would be availible <br /> for use by the entire project area. He stated that four condomtnium units and two <br /> single-family units would be lost because of the park relocation, and he suggested <br /> a credit was due him for this change. Mr. Tyler requested exemption from the Plan- <br /> ning Commission conditions 34 and 35 relating to entering an assessment district for <br /> water and fire services. He stated his project would only impact about 20% relative <br />.to conditions 36 and 37, and he requested his amount of participation be reduced on <br /> these conditions. He stated he could enter into a private agreement with another <br /> developer for off-site sanitary sewer services, therefore he requested the deletion <br /> of condition 38. Mr. Tyler stated he agreed to the other conditions. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Evelyn King, Park and Recreation Commissioner, stated she had objections <br /> to the location of the park originally because of safety, but found no objections <br /> to the new location of the park. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in opposition to this item. <br /> <br /> 6. 12/22/81 <br /> <br /> <br />