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Mayor Butler stated that he had received a letter of resignation from Paul <br />Ebright on the Steering Committee of the General Plan Review. Mayor Butler re- <br />quested that consideration of a replacement for Mr. Ebright be considered at the <br />next Council meeting. Councilmember Brandes stated that in view of the relatively <br />short time remaining before completion of the General Plan Review study, it should <br />be determined if a replacement is necessary. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Councilmember Mohr presented a written report on the Pleasanton/Dublin Transit <br />Study meeting held on August 4, 1983. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wood reported on the League of California Cities Seminar, specifi- <br />cally relative to ways for cost savings to cities. He also reported on the annual <br />Muscular Dystrophy Bowl-a-Thon between the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, ad- <br />vising that Pleasanton had again beaten Livermore. He thanked the City officials <br />and employees who participated in this worthy event. <br /> <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> Mrs. Barbara A. Carney, 4287 Waycross Court, presented her letter dated July 25, <br />1983, relating to the noise levels along Santa Rita Road near Heritage Valley. She <br />also presented a petition signed by 79 residents in the Heritage Valley Subdivision <br />urging the City to install a sound wall along Santa Rita Road. She advised that she <br />has her home for sale because noise from Santa Rita Road has so adversely impacted <br />the life style of her family. She stated that the real estate company handling her <br />property has valued it at $10,000 less than comparable homes in other locations be- <br />cause of the noise factor. She thanked Council for their action taken earlier to- <br />night to consider the sound wall, but stated she felt that something should be done <br />immediately. <br /> <br /> Ms. Peggy Garboshian, 7567 Olive Drive, requested Council to consider plating a <br />sound wall on West Las Positas Boulevard west of Highway 680. She presented a peti- <br />tion, signed by 62 residents in this area, urging sound walls be built along West <br />Las Positas, west of 1-680. She asked what steps could be taken to allow construc- <br />tion of the sound wall since an Environmental Impact Report has already been com- <br />pleted on improvements in this area. Mr. Walker advised that it could be considered <br />with improvements to the West Las Positas interchange project. Mayor Butler in- <br />structed staff to include consideration of a sound wall on West Las Positas Boule- <br />vard in the EIR when it is prepared for West Las Positas Interchange improvements. <br />Ms. Garboshian requested that the stop sign at West Las Positas and Muirwood not be <br />removed when the bridge is completed, stating it adds to safety of school children <br />crossing at this street. Mayor Butler stated that this matter could be considered <br />at the time the bridge is finished. Ms. Garboshian requested to be notified prior <br />to the removal o~ the stop sign. <br /> <br /> Mr. James Cook, 4275 Dundalk Court, addressed Council regarding the request for <br />a sound wall on Santa Rita Road from Morganfield Road to Mohr Avenue. He stated <br />there is a great need for the sound wall immediately and asked if anything could be <br />worked out for the City to pay half the cost of the wall and the homeowners pay the <br />other half. Mayor Butler stated that a study would have to be completed to determine <br />if a sound wall at this location is necessary, and if so, what height it should be, <br />before any further action is taken. He also advised that the cost of a sound wall <br />is very expensive - $75-$100 per lineal foot. Mr. Cook requested that action be <br />taken as soon as possible because the problem exists today due to increased traffic <br />on Santa Rita Road and installation of the signal at Mohr Avenue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Quintln Wight, 4289 Mairmont Drive, presented a letter he had written to the <br />Planning Commission in 1978 regarding the noise problems on Santa Rita Road. He stated <br />the problem is much worse now. He urged Council to take action as soon as possible. <br /> <br /> 4. 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />