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· ' ' 101;': <br /> <br /> g. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-325, apTroving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with <br /> Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Delta Properties for Assessment District <br /> 1981-1, Pleasanton Park, and authorizing the Finance Department to pay PGgE <br /> $7,755.00 f~2om that fund. <br /> <br /> " h. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-326, approving plans and specifications for the <br /> Vineyard Avenue Bike Lane - ToLLriga Drive to Adams Way, Project No. 83-7, and <br /> authorization to Call for Bids. <br /> <br /> i. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-327, approving plans and specifications for Pro- <br /> ject No. 82-14, pond restoration, as required by lease with City of San Francisco <br /> Water Department; authorization to Call for Bids; and authorizing the city manager <br /> to execute the Land Use Permit and approve payment of required fees. <br /> <br /> j. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-328, requesting Caltrans to commence environmental <br /> assessment of proposed Hopyard Road/I-580 interchange improvements, and directing <br />T~ the City Attorney to prepare an appropriate agreement between Prudential Insur- <br />F" ance Company and the City concerning the guarantee for funding. <br /> <br /> ~ k. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-329, requesting U. S. Congressional support of the <br /> use of 4R interstate funds for State Route 17, the Nimitz Freeway. <br /> <br />([ 1. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-330, approving city participation in the County- <br /> wide Paramedic Program and approvlng Resolution of Consent. <br /> <br /> m. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-331, approving expenditures in the amount of <br /> $329,648 from the Expansion Fund for study of North Route alternatives for <br /> wastewater export. <br /> <br /> __ n. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-332, apTroving Subordination Agreement ~ith Meyer <br /> Properties, and authorizing execution of the Agreement by the appropriate city <br /> officials. <br /> <br /> o. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-333, establishing salary range for the Assistant <br /> City Attorney classification at $2625-$3325 per month. <br /> <br /> p. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-334, apTroving contract for animal control shelter <br /> services with Alameda County, with changes to Section (4) as recommended by the <br /> City Attorney, and authorizing execution of the agreement by the appropriate city <br /> officials. <br /> <br /> q. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-335, approving purchase of one Case 580D Backhoe <br /> for $32,805.45, and authorizing the city manager to enter into a forty-eight <br /> month lease/purchase agreement with the Case Power and Equipment Company at <br /> eight percent A.P.R., monthly lease payments not to exceed $815,42. <br /> <br /> r. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-336, apTroving extension of the existing agreement <br /> between the City and Alameda County for fire services to Remen Tract, Castlewood, <br /> and Happy Valley areas, for one year to June 30, 1984, for a minimum payment of <br /> $70,284, and authorizing signature of the appropriate city officials for the <br /> modification to the contract. <br /> <br /> s. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-337, establishing the 1983-84 tax rate for voter <br /> apTroved General Obligation Bonds be set at .0079% of the full value of property. <br /> <br /> t. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-338, exercising the first year of a two year option <br /> on the Schulte-Blackwell lease for Fire Station No. 2 at 7769 Desertwood Way. <br /> <br /> 2. 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />