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The Poll call vote was as follows: <br /> ATES: Councilmembeps MohP, Wood, and MayoP ButleT <br /> NOES: Councilmembep Bpandes <br /> ABSENT: Councilmembep MePcep <br /> <br /> Adoption of OPdinance No. 1096, pPohibiting any combination of vehicles of a total <br /> length in excess of 60 feet op total width in excess of 96 inches on any stTeet <br /> within the City of Pleasanton except by special pepmit <br /> (Intpo. 7-28-83, 4-Ayes, 1-Absent) <br /> Mayop Butlep stated that Opdinance No. 1096 was intpoduced on July 25, 1983, by <br /> a vote of 4-Ayes, 1-Absent, and that it was now in opdeP to adopt the opdinance. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmembep MohP, and seconded by Councilmembep Bpandes, that <br /> Opdinance No. 1096, pPohibiting any combination of vehicles of a total length in <br /> excess of 80 feet op total width in excess of 98 inches on any stPeet within the <br /> City of Pleasanton except by special pepmit, be adopted. <br /> The Poll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembeps Bpandes, MohP, Wood, and MayoP ButleT <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmembep MerceP <br /> <br /> MP. Bypl Williams, 7428 Aspen Coupt, employee of Peter Kiewit Trucking Company, <br /> asked how this ordinance would affect his company. Council advised that it would <br /> not impact his business, and suggested that he contact the City Attorneyvs office <br /> fop full details of the ordinance. <br /> <br /> SPECIAL REPORTS <br /> There wePe no Special Reports presented at this meeting. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br /> Actions Taken bF the Board of Adjustment,. Design Review Board, and Planning Com- <br /> mission at their meeting of 7-27-83 <br /> Mr. HapPis presented his Pepoft (SR 83:303) dated July 28, 1983, regapding this <br />matter for the informnation of the Council. After discussion, Council took no action <br />relative to this item. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF THE CITY MANAGER <br />PPeliminaPy .Report for Wastewatep Management Evaluation <br /> Mr. Walker presented his report (SR 83:328) dated August 3, 1983, regarding this <br />mattep. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, auth- <br />orizing Pleasanton's representatives to LAVWMA to vote to implement the following <br />recommendations: <br /> <br />1. That the LAVWMA Board agree that 30 to 40 MGD additional wastewater export capa- <br /> city is required to meet the needs of the Valley to the year 2000, and that all <br /> agencies in the Valley should participate in the planning; <br /> <br />2. That the LAVWMA Board begin the design work to provide short-term capacity of at <br /> least 3.1 MGD by approving <br /> <br /> A. the detailed scope of work as prepared by CH2M Hill, <br /> <br /> B. approve the agreement with CH2M Hill to furnish engineering services and <br /> authorize them to proceed with Task A - Preliminary Design at a cost not <br /> to exceed $50~000, <br /> <br /> 13. 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />