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· ' 131 <br /> <br />development plan approval of a 200 unit garden apartment project on an approximately <br />i1 acre site located immediately south of the Arroyo Mocho, approximately 1S00 feet <br />east of the intersection of Santa Rita Road and the Arroyo Mocho Canal, subject to <br />all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2311, with revisions <br />in several conditions as follows: <br /> <br />Condition 1. That the development be substantially as shown on the development plan, <br /> Exhibit A, dated July 8, 1983, on file with the Planning Division <br /> <br />Condition 70. That the developer and owner use best efforts to rent the apartment <br /> units to citizens over 60 years of age for at least 25% of the develop- <br /> ment <br /> <br />Condition 71. That the developer use his best efforts to obtain the right to plant <br /> a low maintenance landscaping buffer along the Zone 7 property north <br /> of the northern property line <br /> <br />Condition 72. That the developer use only those screening trees appropriate for the <br /> height of the buildings without obscuring distant views to either the <br /> development residences or neighbors to the north, a 30' height limita- <br /> tion should be the guideline <br /> <br />Condition 73. That the swimming pool area shall be completely lighted to provide <br /> adequate vision of the entire pool area, <br /> <br />be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mobs?, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr requested Council concurrence to instruct staff to prepare a <br />report recommending a narrower density spread relative to multiples. After discussion, <br />Council determined to discuss-this matter with the Planning Commission at the upcoming <br />joint meeting on August 16, 1983. <br /> <br />AppeaA of the City Council of a decision of the Plannin~ Commission approval of Z-83- <br />111, app!'ication of Arnold Kruse for zonin~ certificate to allow a home occupation <br />involving periodically keeping a vehicle in excess of one ton (a truck tractor) in- <br />cidental to a long distance hauling business at 4363 Second Street. Zoning for the <br />property ..i~ R-1-6500 (Single-family Residential) District <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:271) dated July 14, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing open on this item. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mildred Kruse, 4363 Second Street, representing her son Arnold, stated her <br />family has lived on Second Street since 1876, and that she has lived in her residence <br />on Second Street since 1946. She advised that the residence is situation on a large <br />lot which allows her son to park his truck in the back yard. She stated that he is <br />away most of the time but needs the truck at the residence when he is home in order <br />to make any repairs that may be necessary. She stated that the surrounding neighbors <br />have no objection to her son keeping his truck at this location. She requested the <br />zoning certificate be granted so that her son may be able to keep his truck at home. <br /> <br /> Mr. W. G. Kovac, 3124 Weymouth Court, stated he is not opposed to the trucking <br />business, but felt that to allow this privilege would set a precedent. He stated that <br />Second Street is already in bad shape and that large trucks should not be allowed to <br /> <br /> 7. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />