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133 <br /> <br /> Mrs. Eunice Langendorff, 3188 Thistledown Court, stated she felt the developers <br />have tried very hard to meet the concerns of the surrounding property owners; changes <br />have been made and she appreciated them.- She stated that from the standpoint of the <br />City of Pleasanton she felt this will be a very good project, however she expressed <br />concern that it might set a precedent for more high density in this area which she is <br />opposed to. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ed Roquette, 3436 Windsor Court, President of the Pleasanton Meadows Home- <br />owners Association, stated that the homeowners on Suffolk Way will be most affected <br />by this project. He stated the developers have tried to find a~reeable resolutions <br />to the concerns of the residents; the major issues being density and quality. He ad- <br />vised that based on the concessions of the developers that most people in the area <br />feel that the number of units is appropriate for high density. Mr~ Roquette expressed <br />concern regarding development of the remaining land in this area, and requested that <br />the Pleasanton Meadows Homeowners Association be allowed input regarding any future <br />development plans for the property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harold Dixon, 4066 Suffolk Way, property owner adjacent to the arroyo, stated <br />he felt the developer had acted in good faith in answering the concerns of the resi- <br />dents and had made major concessions, such as reducing the number of units and in- <br />creasing the size of the smaller units. He stated he felt the new partners were very <br />high quality management people. He questioned the validity of the density as set forth <br />in the general plan. He requested that a condition be imposed on the adjacent 16 acres <br />of land so that it would not be zoned high density. <br /> <br /> Mr. Nicholas Cassens, 4082 Suffolk Way, stated the developers have made great con- <br />cessions but he felt that density should be reduced to 15 units per acre and that 25% <br />of the project be set aside as "preferred for senior citizens". <br /> <br /> Mr. Kevin Brown, 3190 Montpelier Court, stated the developers have been very co- <br />operative and made concessions but that he is still opposed to the density and its <br />adverse impacts on the north end of town. He added that to approve such high density <br />would set a precedent, create crowding and increase traffic as well as take up half <br />of the allowable growth rate formula of the city. <br /> <br /> Mr. Simmons stated h~ appreciated the comments of the residents and recognized <br />there were concerns that he could not satisfy. He stated he felt this is a quality <br />project, situated on an excellent site, that the density has been reduced, the project <br />will add significantly to the City, will bring about a park and buffer area, and will <br />fill a need for rental housing in Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Mr. Grant added that it is a high quality apartment rental unit that will be con- <br />verted to condominiums in ten years. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding distance between residences on Suffolk Way <br />and the proposed project, Zone 7 property landscaping, and fencing. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Bob Philcox expressing <br />concern regarding the total number of units and size of apartments for this project. <br />He stated he had also received a communication from Mr. George Canessa in support of <br />the project. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Council- <br />member Wood, that Ordinance No. 1095, to be read by title only and waiving further <br />reading thereof, approving the application of Shelter Capital/Woodmont Companies and <br />Sid Corrie for PUD (Planned Unit DeveloDment)-High Density Residential zoning and <br /> <br /> 6. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />