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109 <br /> <br /> prohibiting any combination of vehicles of a total length in excess of 60 feet or <br /> total width in excess of 96 inches on any street within the City of Pleasanton ex- <br /> cept by special permit, be introduced. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br /> COMMUNICATIONS <br /> Petition fr0~ Property Owners in area adiacent to Nuclear Laundry. at 65 Ray Street <br /> This item was discussed after Meeting Open to the Public earlier on the agenda. <br /> <br /> CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br /> Mr. Walker presented the City Council Calendar for the information of the <br /> Council. <br /> <br /> EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> Mayor Butler recessed the meeting at 12:35 A.M., to an Executive Session to <br /> discuss pending litigation. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler recessed the meeting at 1:00 A.M. <br /> <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business at I:0S A.M., it was moved by Councilmember Mohr, <br /> and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that the meeting be adjourned to meet again in <br /> Regular Session on August 9, 1983~ 8:00 P.M., in the Pleasanton Council Chambers. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />/~ES R. WALKER, CITY CLERK <br /> <br /> lS. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />