<br />
<br />lots. He stated the size of the lots in this cul-de-sac range from 15,000 to 18,000
<br />sq. ft. in size. He stated that removal of the bulb would create the loss of one
<br />lot, and that lots 21 through 26 would have to be reconfigured.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Chris Kinzel, TJKM Traffic Consultant, stated that a traffic analysis has
<br />been completed for the project. He reviewed the proposed connection from Stanley
<br />Boulevard to Valley Avenue from the northeast, and the connection to Bernal from the
<br />southwest. As a result of these two connections there will be a significant change
<br />in traffic patterns in Pleasanton in the future; 60-65% of traffic from this develop-
<br />ment will use the Bernal Loop to 1-680, 35% will use the connection to the north
<br />through Stanley Boulevard-Valley Avenue, with approximately 5% floating traffic that
<br />may use streets such as Kottinger. He did not feel this would have a perceivable
<br />impact on Kottinger in the long term, but may have an impact on streets such as Kot-
<br />tinget and Vineyard in the short term. Mr. Kinzel advised that it will probably be
<br />a long time in the future before four lanes are needed on the Bernal Avenue connec-
<br />tion, and that only two lanes are planned for the first phase.
<br />
<br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing
<br />closed.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, that
<br />Resolution No. 84-521, determining on the basis of a review of initial environmental
<br />study done for this project, that no significant environmental impact would occur as
<br />outlined in the City's guidelines and that a negative declaration is appropriate in
<br />connection with GP-84-7, application of Chang Su-O Lin to amend the General Plan Land
<br />Use Element designation of an approximately 5.2 acre site from Low Density Residential
<br />to Medium Density Residential, located approximately 600 feet south of the intersec-
<br />tion of Kottinger Drive and Bernal Avenue, be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, that
<br />Resolution No. 84-527, approving GP-84-7, application of Chang Su-O Lin to amend the
<br />General Plan Land Use Element designation of an approximately 5.2 acre site from Low
<br />Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, located approximately 600 feet south
<br />of the intersection of Kottinger Drive and Bernal Avenue, subject to the following con-
<br />ditions: (1) that the 5.2 acre subject site which is the subject of this General Plan
<br />Amendment shall be as shown on the development plan for Case PUD-84-5; and (2) that
<br />approval of Case GP-84-7 is conditioned upon the approval of Case PUD-84-5, and does
<br />not become effective if that particular PUD is not approved by the City, be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that
<br />Resolution No. 84-522, determining on the basis of a review of initial environmental
<br />study done for this project, it would have a significant adverse effect on the en-
<br />vironment but that conditions of approval relating to traffic improvements would re-
<br />duce this impact to an insignificant level and that a mitigated negative declaration
<br />is appropriate in connection with PUD-84-5, application of Chang Su-O Lin for rezon-
<br />ing and development plan approval for a 215 unit residential development on an approxi-
<br />mately 230 acre site, located generally in the area south of the southern terminus of
<br />Bernal Avenue, Concord Street, and Bordeaux Street, be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councii~embers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br /> 8. 10/16/84
<br />
<br />
<br />