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105 <br /> <br /> Mr. Jack Schafer, representing Page, Anderson, and Turnbull, made a slide pre- <br /> sentation, elaborating on design guidelines as follows: (1) materials, finishes and <br /> colors for front facades; (2) building projections and covered sidewalks; (3) sign- <br /> ing and illumination of front facades; (4) outdoor spaces; (S) new construction; and <br /> (6) conversion of existing residential buildings to office use. <br /> <br /> Mr. Anderson reviewed the proposed ordinance in detail, and recommended that a <br /> downto~m overlay district be established. <br /> <br /> Mr. Manning concluded the presentation by thanking Council for their financial <br /> assistance and support; for the assistance of City staff, particularly Mr. Harris <br /> and Mr. Walker; and commending members of the Chamber Committee who worked with the <br /> consultants to develop these guidelines for Pleasanton's downtown revitalization. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer thanked the Chamber of Commerce for spearheading this review. He <br /> referred this matter to staff, and for further review by Planning Commission and <br />~ City Council in public hearings at a later date. <br />CD REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />~-~ Actions Taken by the Planning Commission at their Special Meeting of 8-22-84 <br />~J Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 84:456) dated August 23, 1984, regarding this <br />[] matter, for the information of Council. No action was required or taken by Council <br /> on the item. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF THE CITY MANAGER <br /> PUD-82-13-2M, Application of the Deer Oaks Land Company for a modification to the PUD <br /> (Planned Unit Development) ordinance affecting an approximately 48 acre site relative <br /> to the maintenance of an existing oak tree and emergency roadway surface construction, <br /> located on the west side of Foothill Road near its intersection with Bernal Avenue. <br /> Zoning for the property is PUD (Planned Unit Development)-Low Density Residential/Open <br /> Space District <br /> (Contd. from 8-12-84) <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 84:461) dated August 22, 1984, regarding this <br /> matter. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Wood, and seconded by Councilmember Mohp, that <br /> Resolution No. 84-443, supporting staff's proposed minor modification of PUD-82-13-2M, <br /> application of the Deer Oaks Land Company for a modification to the PUD (Planned Unit <br /> Development) ordinance affecting an approximately 48 acre site relative to the removal <br /> of an existing oak tree located on the west side of Foothill Road near its intersection <br /> with Bernal Avenue, subject to the following conditions: (1) that condition number 14 <br /> of case PUD-82-13 be deleted; (2) that the oak tree be completely removed as soon as <br /> possible and that the island in Deer Oaks Drive in which it is located be reconstructed <br /> as a raised planter and landscaped subject to staff approval and that an irrigation <br /> line be provided to the planter;(3) that three 24-inch box oak trees be planted on the <br /> Deer Oaks property in a location acceptable to the staff to replace the damaged oak <br /> tree; and (4) that except as modified by conditions one through three above and case <br /> PUD-82-t3-1M all conditions of case PUD-82-13 shall remain in full force and effect, <br /> be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmembers Brandes and Butler <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer expressed concern regarding spreading of the fungus that had diseased <br /> the subject tree beyond preservation, and instructed staff to take precautionary mea- <br /> sures in this regard. <br /> <br /> 8. 8/28/84 <br /> <br /> <br />