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c. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-108, after review of bids, awarding contract for the <br /> construction of the softball field access road - Pleasanton School (Bernal Avenue), <br /> Project No. 84-21, to Whalen Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $64,000; <br /> and authorizing execution of the contract by the appropriate city officials. <br />~ d. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-109, after review of bids, awarding contract for the <br />T~ street tree pruning project on various city streets, Project No. 85-10, to Atlas <br />[O Tree Service, Inc., in the amount of $31,227.82; authorizing execution of the con- <br />~J tract by the appropriate city officials; and appropriating an additional $3,000.00 <br />m so that all of the trees in Alternate #1 can be included along with the Base Bid. <br /> <br /> e. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-110, approving final map for Tract 5426, Joy Condo- <br /> miniums, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Rose and Peters <br /> Avenues. <br /> <br /> f. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-111, accepting grant deeds from Richard Hempy for <br /> street right-of-way, Public Service easement, and Slope easement along Foothill <br /> Road north of Highland Oaks Drive, and directing staff to record the documents. <br /> <br /> g. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-112, changing the name of Kamp Drive street segment <br /> directly east of Santa Rita Road to Stoneridge Drive. <br /> <br /> h. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-112, approving the following new street names for <br /> Tract 5189, Grey Eagle Estates as follows: (1) Roman Eagle Court; (2) Eaglet Court; <br /> and (3) Red Feather Court/Drive; and amending the final map as necessary. <br /> <br /> i. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-113, denying the claim of C. C. Meyers and the Atlan- <br /> tic Insurance Companies in the sum of $16,033.54 for alleged damages to the bridge <br /> and work being performed by claimant on the West Las Positas overcrossing when a <br /> water line burst; and referring this matter to the City Attorney for further hand- <br /> ling. <br /> <br /> j. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-114, denying the claim of Donald F. DeSoto in the <br /> sum of $35,000, claiming injury when he was allegedly pushed by one of Pleasanton's <br /> animal control officers during a search and seizure incident at the Docktor Pet <br /> Center, and referring this matter to the City Attorney for further handling. <br /> <br /> k. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-115, approving Boundary Map in connection with <br /> Assessment District No. 1985-1, Chabot Drive Extension, East Amador Relief Sewer <br /> and Santa Rita Road. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 85-116, approving amended agreement for Engineering <br /> Services in connection with Assessment District No. 1985-1, Chabot Drive Exten- <br /> sion, East Amador Relief Sewer and Santa Rita Road. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 85-117, approving amended agreement for Legal Services <br /> in connection with Assessment District No. 1985-1, Chabot Drive Extension, East <br /> Amador Relief Sewer and Santa Rita Road. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 85-118, approving amended Resolution of Intention in <br /> connection with Assessment District No. 1985-1, Chabot Drive Extension, East Amador <br /> Relief Sewer and Santa Rita Road. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 85-119, approving amended Reimbursement Agreement in <br /> connection with Assessment District No. 1985-1, Chabot Drive Extension, East Amador <br /> Relief Sewer and Santa Rita Road. <br /> <br /> 1. Proclaim March 17-24, 1985, as International DeMolay Week. <br /> <br /> 2. 3/12/85 <br /> <br /> <br />