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281 <br /> Mayor Brandes stated this matter has been appealed because one property <br /> owner in the neighborhood had not been notified of this hearing when it was <br /> considered by the Board of Adjustment. <br /> <br /> Mayor Brandes declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim McDowell, 2469 Crestline Road, stated that he and his wife wanted <br />to build a true Victorian home at this Neal Street location but after con- <br />sidering the costs found it necessary to split the lots and build two houses; <br />one for their occupancy and one for sale. He stated at the design review pro- <br />cess there was no objection from the neighbors. One neighbor, Mr. Hatfield, <br />was not notified because of his length of residency. Mr. McDowell has since <br />met with Mr. Hatfield at Cooper and Sword's office, to discuss the plans and <br />Mr. Hatfield's concern regarding the driveway. He stated they agreed that a <br />fence would be installed, 6 feet in height above the grading of the driveway. <br />He requested that the appeal be denied and the Variance granted. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mary Foust, 431Neal Street, owner of the property adjacent to the <br />proposed project, stated she supports this development and feels it is unique <br />and will be an asset to the neighborhood. <br /> <br /> Mayor Brandes presented a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield, who could not <br />be in attendance at this meeting, stating they agreed to the height of the <br />fence but had concern about the size of lots and impact of traffic. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nancy Briemle, 4535 Entrada Court, expressed concern regarding traffic <br />and entrance to the project. <br /> <br /> Council received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Lutz, 4545 Entrada Court, <br />relative to this matter. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Brandes declared the public hear- <br />ing closed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, <br />after making the findings required for approval of the variance in that spe- <br />cial circumstances unique to the site can be found because the driveway will <br />access straight onto Neal Street, that the proposal will not constitute a <br />grant of special privilege, and that the health, safety and general welfare of <br />the surrounding area are not jeopardized by the request; that AP-86-03 be de- <br />nied, and that the application of James McDowell for a Variance from the Or- <br />dinance Code to allow for the subdivision of a parcel without the required <br />frontage on a public street located on an approximately 15,500 sq. ft. site <br />located at 435 Neal Street, be approved. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler and Mohr <br />NOES: Councilmember Wood and Mayor Brandes <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Mercer <br /> <br /> Because of the tie vote, Mayor Brandes declared the public hearing on this <br />item reopened, and continued to the meeting of May 6, 1986, 8:00 p.m., in the <br />Pleasanton Council Chambers. <br /> <br />Resolution Authorizing Staff to proceed with Abatement of Weeds, Rubbish or <br />Refuse upon or in front of certain described properties within the City o~ <br />Pleasanton which constitute public nuisances <br /> <br /> 10 - 4-15-86 <br /> <br /> <br />