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113 <br /> <br /> a three-story, four-unit apartment complex at the rear of the site <br /> located at 148 Spring Street. <br /> <br />CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Councilmember Brandes, <br /> that the following items listed on the Consent Calendar, as amended thereto, <br /> be approved: <br /> <br />a. Approval of City Council Minutes for February 16, 1988. <br /> <br />b. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1350, approval of RZ-87-11, application of the <br /> City of Pleasanton to prezone an approximately 10.8 acre site located on <br /> the south side of Stanley Boulevard immediately west of Shadow Cliffs <br /> Regional Park to the C-S (Commercial Service) District. <br /> <br /> c. Proclaim April 10-16, 1988 as Week of the Young Child. <br /> <br />d. Continue to March 15, 1988, Monthly Financial Report January 1988. <br /> <br />e. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-85, approval of the application for Special <br /> Account for Capital Outlay moneys for the following projects: 1) Augustin <br /> Bernal park development, Phase I; 2) McKinley Park improvements; and 3) <br /> Senior Park master plan. <br /> <br />f. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-86, denial of the Claim for Indemnity of Ron <br /> Stacy, individually and dba Stacy Trucking (Amended); and referring this <br /> matter to the City Attorney for further handling. <br /> <br />g. Continue to March 15, 1988, Acceptance of Grant Deed for Street Dedication <br /> (Sunol/Junipero Street) and Vacation of Public Right-of-Way (Sunol Road). <br /> <br />h. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-87, denial of the claim of Helen Mullins for <br /> damage to her car due to a loose board on the railroad tracks when she <br /> drove over them; and referring this matter to the City Attorney for fur- <br /> ther handling. <br /> <br />i. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-88, supporting BART's proposed realignment <br /> of the U, UP, and UL Express Bus routes which will provide additional lo- <br /> cal transit service in Pleasanton and serve the park/ride lot in Hacienda <br /> Business Park. <br /> <br />j. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-89, acceptance of grant of easement provided <br /> by Pacific Bell for sidewalks on Johnson Drive. Mayor Mercer abstained <br /> from participation in this item due to Conflict of Interest. <br /> <br />k. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-90, acceptance of public improvements, Kot- <br /> tinger Park, Project No. 877008; and authorizing the City Attorney to file <br /> the Notice of Completion. <br /> <br />1. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-91, ordering the annexation of Annexation <br /> No. 119, Panganiban, 63 acres as shown on Exhibit A of Staff Report 88:84. <br /> <br />m. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-92, acceptance of public improvements for <br /> Tracts 5445 (bas of Pleasanton Unit I) and 5446 (bas of Pleasanton - <br /> Unit II); authorizing the City Attorney to file a Notice of Completion; <br /> and authorizing reimbursement of $11,787.00 to bas Homes, Inc. <br /> <br /> - 2 3-1-88 <br /> <br /> <br />