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427 <br /> <br /> Mr. Darryl Alexander, Alexander and Associates, stated he had some ques- <br />tions relative to item 4o Modification to Grading Ordinance, and requested <br />this item be moved on the agenda to allow for discussion. Council concurred. <br />Mayor Mercer moved this item to 129 on the agenda. <br /> <br />CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, <br />that the following items listed on the Consent Calendar be approved: <br /> <br />a. Approval of City Council Minutes for 5-17-88. <br /> <br />b. Proclaim June 14, 1988 as Flag Day. <br /> <br />c. Proclaim October 24-28, 1988 as Pleasanton-Livermore Junior Womens Week. <br /> <br />d. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-240, approval Claims for the month of April, <br /> 1988, in the amount of $4,022,633.62. <br /> <br />e. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-241, denial of the claim of Danielle Alexis <br /> Derham in the sum of $103.44 filed by Kim Derham, mother of Danielle Der- <br /> ham, for injuries sustained by Danielle when she fell on some playground <br /> equipment on January 27, 1988. <br /> <br />f. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-242, denial of the claims of Danielle and <br /> John Pena, in the sum of $2,600,000, for injuries sustained by Danielle on <br /> August 23, 1987, when she was struck by a car while crossing Valley <br /> Avenue. <br /> <br />g. Move to item 13c on the agenda, Notice of Intent to Adopt a Resolution <br /> Regarding Condemnation of Molinaro Property. <br /> <br />h. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-243, approval of contract for Claims Ad- <br /> ministration with George Hills company, Inc.; and authorizing execution of <br /> the contract by the appropriate city officials. <br /> <br /> i. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-244, approval of the application of the <br /> Amador-Livermore Exchange Club to hold the 1988 Alameda County Fair parade <br /> on June 25, 1988, subject to conditions set forth in Staff Report 88:245; <br /> and approving an amendment to the City~s fiscal year 1987-88 Operating <br /> Budget in an amount equal to City employee overtime costs associated with <br /> providing City barricades along the parade route and Police Department <br /> traffic control services. <br /> <br />j. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-245, approval of the application of the Re- <br /> gents of the University of California/4H Club to hold the 4H Fair Fun Run <br /> on June 25, 1988, subject to conditions set forth in Staff Report 88:246; <br /> and approving an amendment to the City~s fiscal year 1987-88 Operating <br /> Budget in an amount equal to City employee overtime charges associated <br /> with providing City barricades along the course and Police Department <br /> traffic control services. <br /> <br />k. Adoption of Resolution No. 88-246, approval of plans and specifications <br /> and authorization to call for bids for Foothill Road pressure zone check <br /> valves, NPID No. 2, 86-7A10A. <br /> <br /> 2 - 6-7-88 <br /> <br /> <br />