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283 <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, <br /> to clarify that when the two projects, Northern 6roup and Trammel] Crow, were <br /> approved they were intended to be approved as exempt lower-income projects. <br /> The roll ca]] vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Hayor Mercer <br /> NOES: Councilmember Butler <br /> ASSENT: None <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson addressed the genera] plan growth polices on page 3 <br /> of the staff report, second paragraph, item 2; achieve a 62,000 population <br /> bench mark by 1996 within the fall 1987 City limits. What this paragraph says <br /> that by 1996 the City could have a population of maybe 80,000 people, jr- <br /> regardless of the 62,000 benchmark because the policy states the properties <br /> that were not within the City limits on August 1, 1987 would not could on the <br /> benchmark. He felt this is wrong and should be corrected. The population <br /> that will be created in lands that were not annexed to the City of Pleasanton <br /> until after August 1, 1987 would not count in the benchmarks; that could add <br /> up to 80,00 people. Council can approve up to 1,000 units per year and there <br /> are only 1,000 units to go to be to 62,000, and Council can still go through <br /> 1990 at 1,000 units on properties not within the City limits on August 1, <br /> 1987. <br /> <br />0 Councilmember Wilson stated he felt the benchmarks should be established <br />OD on the lands that were either within the City on August 1 or after August 1, <br />(.y.) 1987. <br />~ Mayor Mercer asked what Council should do with those projects that have <br />~ been approved that were not within the City by August 1, 1987. Councilmember <br />mC~[ Wilson felt they should be counted in the benchmark. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated that under growth management they would not be <br /> counted in the 62,000. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he would like to see that benchmark include <br /> anything that has been or will be within the City limits of Pleasanton. He <br /> asked that this matter be considered at the next General Plan consideration <br /> time. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Mayor Mercer, that <br /> there be no growth management allocations for this year and the subcommittee <br /> not meet. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmember Brandes <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler pointed out that opening the door for further alloca- <br /> tions which Council did in the previous motion he wanted that not to be shown <br /> as supporting any further allocations for this year. He is not convinced that <br /> it should be completed closed off, some of the smaller projects be worthwhile. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated that as a designated growth management committee <br /> member and as one speaker pointed out that a project has a benefit that the <br /> neighbors would very much like to see happen, she feels it would be worthwhile <br /> to look further at this project as well as others with similar positions. If <br /> <br /> : 19- 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />