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281 <br />there is a project of enough value to the neighbors to make that approval she <br />felt Council should give the applicant the opportunity to present their case. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated he felt it is much more important to close the <br />loopholes on the benchmark figures on those properties that were not within <br />the City limits as of August 1, 1987, than to get so concerned about these few <br />that are sitting there. He feels it is appropriate to let everyone know when <br />it is appropriate to vote for it that there will be no growth management per- <br />mits issued in 1989 so that the developers who are going out and spending a <br />lot of money on improvements will know that this is a non-growth Council. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that just because someone puts money up it does not <br />entitle them to a project; there is no place in City Government that guaran- <br />tees that because a developer puts his money up that he will have development <br />rights. Developers take that risk when they start a project and that risk is <br />that they may not be able to develop. He felt the growth management process <br />should be allowed to go forward and the growth management committee can con- <br />tinue to meet and come back with a recommendation to City Council on the mat- <br />ter addressed at that time. He stated he has not been supportive of growth <br />management recommendations but he feels the process ought to continue. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated he agrees that people shouldn't get special <br />consideration because they have spent money for engineering and architectural <br />fees but he also thinks that since it seems this Council is anti-growth why <br />not tell the people now of that position. <br /> <br /> After further discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Wilson, and secon- <br />ded by Councilmember Brandes, to initiate a general plan change to eliminate <br />the works "within the fall 1987 City limits"; therefore the general plan <br />growth policy would read "achieve a 62,000 population benchmark by 1996". <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: Councilmembers Butler and Mohr <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that the growth management will meet to discuss from <br />0-162 units, then they will bring a recommendation back to City Council. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Councilmembr Butler, <br />that the low income standards that Council previous adopted with respect to <br />the overall City and the difference with the NPID relative to the number of <br />years the units should be held, the Alameda County medium income figure to <br />determine the low income number which comes out of the HUD guidelines, and the <br />percentage of units being held as they currently are {same standards are pre- <br />viously established). <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, and Wilson <br />NOES: Councilmember Brandes and Mayor Mercer <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he opposes the motion because it has a ten- <br />dency to increase the ones that can be approved in a year and he is concerned <br />not only about the benchmarks but how much goes in on a yearly basis and how <br />soon that occurs. He voted against low income exemptions; by not having low <br />income exemptions in no way does not mean that Council cannot approve low in- <br />come projects because if it is able to stand on its own merits and the needs, <br /> <br /> 20 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />