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291 <br />be included in the district. There are no poles fronting on Railroad Avenue <br />and it doesn't make sense. Mrs. Bianchi stated the wires at that location are <br />ugly and she felt they should be undergrounded. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated she came to the meeting to go along with staff <br />recommendations that the City should incur the costs of undergrounding and <br />picking up the dedications from each property. She stated the objective is to <br />get all wires downtown undergrounded; she asked what the additional cost would <br />be to underground those properties not included in the district. Mr. Elliott <br />advised the cost would be approximately $100,000, but that is not a firm fig- <br />ure, and it could be included in the district if Council so instructed. Coun- <br />cilmember Mohr asked when it would be done if it is not done now. Mr. Elliott <br />stated it would be done when those properties are developed, and the developer <br />would normally pay for this cost. <br /> <br /> Ms. Bianchi stated she felt these property owners, including Mr. Walker, <br />should pay their share in the district if the other property owners are re- <br />quired to pay their share. Vice Mayor Butler stated the suggestion has been <br />that the City going to pick up the costs. Ms. Meier stated she would not ob- <br />ject to the district if the City pays for the costs but she still feels the <br />other properties should be included. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he felt Ms. Bianchi~s comments about Mr. <br />Walker are unwarranted. <br /> <br /> Mr. A1 Lopez, 6142 Corte Padre, speaking for his grandparents on Railroad <br />Avenue for 40 years, asked how the City would acquire the property needed from <br />property owners. Vice Mayor Butler advised the City would basically pay for <br />the entire cost of the improvements; there is still a question of asking the <br />property owners to dedicate a strip of right-of-way. If a property owner <br />chose not to dedicate his property the City would have to go through a process <br />called condemnation. The City has the power to require to be given the abili- <br />ty to buy the property at fair market value. In that case, if the <br />grandparents chose not to dedicate the land then the City could come to a <br />point that they would be required to buy it for fair market value. <br /> <br /> Mr. Elliott advised that the application tonight only includes the <br />undergrounding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sam Elliott, owner of the apartments on Spring Street, stated that if <br />the City is willing to pay for the improvements he is in favor of the under- <br />ground district but otherwise he is not in favor of it. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Vice Mayor Butler declared the public <br />hearing closed on this item. <br /> <br /> Mr. Beougher requested that City Council make a finding that the City <br />voluntarily agrees to pay over 50% of the costs of conversation. Vice Mayor <br />Butler stated it would be included in the motion. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, <br />that Resolution No. 88-206, after determining that the public necessity, <br />health, safety, and welfare necessitates formation of Underground Utility Dis- <br />tricti No. 87-26, approve the establishing of Underground Utility District No. <br />87-26, and directs staff to send copies of said resolution to affected proper- <br />ty owners and utilities, and make the finding stated above; and authorizing <br /> <br /> 15 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />