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Mr. Tom King, 7806 Kentwood Way, stated his property backs up to the pro- <br />posed parcel requesting annexation. He asked how the annexation process <br />works. Mayor Mercer explained that the City makes application to LAFCO for <br />the subject property, LAFCO determines if the property is a logical and ap- <br />propriate parcel to come into the City limits; and if so then approves the <br />application. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing <br />closed on this item. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated that the Council normally approves annexation <br />applications so that the City will have control over how the property is <br />developed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Wilson, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, <br />that Resolution No. 88-203, making application to LAFCO to annex approximately <br />10 acres owned by Mr. Lafayette and purchased by Bridgman Development, Annex- <br />ation No. 123; Resolution No. 88-204, agreeing to the exchange of property tax <br />revenue for Annexation No. 123; and Resolution No. 88-205, initiating prezon- <br />ing for Annexation No. 123, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />item gd <br />Formation of an Underqround Utility District in Conjunction with Street Im- <br />provements on Spring Street, Division Street, and Railroad Avenue <br /> Mayor Mercer and Councilmember Wilson stated they would have to abstain <br />from participation in the item due to Conflict of Interest. Mr. Walker, City <br />Manager stated he would also have to abstain because of Conflict of Interest. <br /> <br /> Mr. Elliott presented his report {SR 88:194) dated May 3, 1988, regarding <br />this matter. <br /> <br /> Vice Mayor Butler declared the public hearing open on this item. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pete Orr, representing his mother at 4441 Railroad Avenue for 37 <br />years, stated she wants to have the street improved and for the undergrounding <br />of the utilities but does not want to have to pay for it or give up a part of <br />her property. <br /> <br /> Ms. Maureen Brothers, General Manager of the Valley Times, asked if they <br />would be included in this underground district; they have already paid for <br />undergrounding of utilities when they built their new building. Vice Mayor <br />Butler advised that if their utilities are already underground they would not <br />have to pay again. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Birdie Bianchi, 4329 Railroad Avenue, stated she is against the <br />underground utility district. She asked why the property in which Mr. Walker <br />has a small interest in has been excluded from the district. Mr. Elliott ex- <br />plained that the reason this parcel was excluded from the district is that it <br />is served by power lines that are going down a property line that will not be <br />undergrounded so that property will not be a part of the district. It was <br />felt that the cost of taking those three poles out because of the very narrow <br />easement they are in would be so costly that it would not be cost effective to <br /> <br /> 14 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />