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225 <br /> <br />three phone calls in opposition because of the noise it would <br />create. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he requested this matter be <br />appealed because of the concerns of one neighbor who is opposed lto <br />the installation of the ramp. Councilmember Brandes stated he <br />personally is opposed; he would not want something like this in <br />the yard next to his residence. He stated he did not disagree <br />that these are good kids; he knows several of them and know they <br />are good kids. He felt that even with conditions this type of <br />activity would significantly interfere with the surrounding <br />neighbors. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated he is concerned about noise <br />levels; he asked how these are checked, what does it take for the <br />City to resolve any noise problems, how long, and who enforces the <br />ordinance. Mr. Swift advised that the skateboard ordinance takes <br />the noise level from the ramp out of the issue. He stated most <br />ramps will not exceed the allowable noise decibel; the majority of <br />noise is from the skaters falling off the ramp, yelling and <br />screaming, and radios. He stated that enforcement is handled on a <br />complaint basis. He advised that the use permit also allows a <br />semi-annual review by staff to see if additional conditions are <br />needed. He stated that the Planning staff visits the site to see <br />that conditions are met, and they also depend on the Police <br />Department for enforcement. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr asked staff that if problems arise before <br />the semi-annual review, does Council have the option of reviewing <br />this matter if warranted. Mr. Swift advised the Council can <br />review this matter at any time it is necessary. Councilmember <br />Mohr addressed the audience stating that if there is any problem <br />whatsoever brought to the attention of a Councilmember then this <br />matter will be reviewed immediately and action taken to resolve <br />the problem. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler asked staff about the design of the ramp <br />to mitigate noise impacts. Mr. Swift advised that the ramp will <br />be insulated with fiberglass material directly under the ramp. <br />Councilmember Butler stated Council has spent a great deal of time <br />on this issue in the last 2-4 years because there were existing <br />ramps causing concerns and problems. He stated the skateboard <br />ramp ordinance is the best guide to possibly allowing this sport. <br />He felt the applicant has met the requirements of the ordinance. <br />He stated the most important requirement is the hours of <br />operation, which he felt are reasonable requirements and <br />reasonable protection to the neighbors. Since the applicant has <br />abided by the rules, Councilmember Butler felt it is proper to <br />give him the use permit; additional conditions can be added if <br />necessary. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated that if any of the citizens in <br />Pleasanton have been short-changed it is the children; he will <br />support the skateboard ramp, with reluctance. <br /> - 7 - <br /> <br /> 10-4-88 <br /> <br /> <br />