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219 <br /> <br />be visible. He is in total support of the fences. <br /> <br />The following persons spoke in opposition to the fences: <br /> <br /> Mr. Herb Singleton, 2207 Martin Avenue, presented sketches, <br />drawings, and pictures, showing the look of streets in the area. <br />He felt the planting of larger trees as landscape would block the <br />view of cars. He is concerned about the three foot staggered <br />fence proposed by Mr. Brokow; he felt it should be at least six <br />feet and suggested it be looked at further. He questioned the <br />property lines and the seven foot setback. He referred to his <br />letter to the Planning Commission dated June 4, 1988, which was <br />included in the staff report. His concern is the loss of the <br />rural atmosphere by the addition of the fences; he felt rail <br />fences would be more appropriate than privacy fences. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dave Gonzales, 2215 Martin, stated this issue has gone on <br />for two years between the landowners, developers, Planning staff, <br />Planning Commission, and City Council; he felt Council should <br />stand by the ordinance - to change at this point is not fair and <br />would ruin the nature of the neighborhood. The developer knew the <br />conditions of approval when he built the homes. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kathy Selway, 2313 Martin Avenue, representing homeowners <br />in this area, stated the twenty five foot setbacks were to <br />preserve the rural atmosphere. The builder approached the <br />residents in the area years before with a list of wants and asked <br />the property owners to work with him to accomplish the rural <br />atmosphere. She stated they agreed to the twenty five foot <br />setbacks so they would not have a tunnel effect. She stated they <br />compromised on the interior lots in order that the street lots <br />would not be changed. She stated Planning Commission and City <br />Council agreed; now not to ahdere to the conditions of the PUD <br />approval is a mockery to the political system. <br /> <br /> Mr. Alexander rebutted stating the original PUD was approved <br />and Mr. Singleton was an owner at that time. He stated when the <br />corner home was built as a model the setback was ten feet. He <br />stated he then bought other property, in which Mr. Singleton was <br />not involved, and built with the ten foot setback, which was the <br />original PUD approval. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the <br />public hearing closed on this item. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Butler, and <br />seconded by Councilmember Wilson, that Ordinance No. 1386, to be <br />read by title only and waiving further reading thereof, approving <br />PUD-83-12-5M, application of bas Homes for a major modification to <br />an approved development plan for an existing residential project <br />to allow six foot fences to be constructed within seven feet of <br />the property line on the street side of corner lots located on <br />Lots 7, 11, 14, 15, and 19 of Tract 5445, on Martin Avenue, <br />subject to conditions set forth in Exhibit B of Staff Report <br /> - 10 - <br /> <br /> 10-4-88 <br /> <br /> <br />