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downtown area ten years ago. They are employees the City has <br />welcomed into the community to work in the business parks and who <br />now live in Pleasanton. Strizzi's is a restaurant, not a bar. He <br />pointed out that Mr. Bartolomucci is asking for a chance, and that <br />is more than fair. He suggested that serving wine be allowed for <br />a six-month trial period. He stated that it is important to get <br />Mr. Bartolomucci to work with the DRB on the barrier, and then <br />bring the matter back to Council. But it is more important to <br />give the project a chance and see if it works. Many of the <br />downtown merchants have grown so used to operating their business <br />in an old way; a new and unique approach may be what the downtown <br />needs. If this does not work, then the City can revoke the <br />permit. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes indicated that he agreed with Mr. Mercer that <br />innovative things are needed in the downtown area, but that he <br />concurred with Mr. Eastman that allowing alcohol service on a City <br />sidewalk can cause some problems. He stated that he could not see <br />how anyone can be allowed to do business on City property. He <br />added that if the Council decides it wants to consider matters <br />like this, the appropriate way to do it would be to have an <br />ordinance that covers what is and is not allowed on sidewalks as <br />it applies to businesses, like the City of Napa has proposed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer stated that the ordinance could come later, after <br />the trial period shows what the problems are. Drafting an <br />ordinance without knowing what the problems are may result in not <br />covering what should be addressed. <br /> <br /> He said that he was not saying it is all right to drink beer <br />on the sidewalk. He requested Mr. Roush to come up with a draft <br />ordinance that would allow alcohol service for Strizzi's and asked <br />Mr. Bartolomucci to work with the DRB on a design for a barrier <br />that would blend with the restaurant and Main Street and then <br />bring both back to Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver commented that he found it hard to believe that <br />the DRB would put a condition to have tables outside and then add <br />that the applicant would have to get an encroachment permit and <br />put up barriers. He stated that he would not want the police to <br />stop enforcing what they have done in the past and agreed with Mr. <br />Mercer's request that the City Attorney come up with some <br />distinction to continue the police enforcement of the ordinance <br />outside that area. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr stated that she did not see any problem with serving <br />wine in conjunction with a meal. She said that alcoholic beverage <br />consumption can be dealt with in a rational manner that gives the <br />police the opportunity to enforce the ordinance while allowing <br />creativity in the downtown area. <br /> <br /> -21- <br /> 1-16-90 <br /> <br /> <br />