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on the Fertile Crescent as well as Vineyard Avenue be incorporated <br />into the ordinance before it is adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer suggested that Mr. Roush meet with City Attorneys <br />of Dublin and Livemore to find out if all three cities have a <br />common interest to file a suit together. Filing a suit would <br />delay the implementation of the ordinance, which has not even been <br />drafted. The County is saying that nothing can be annexed to the <br />community as it sits. There will be mitigation fees from the <br />properties in the Valley, but nothing is mentioned about <br />guaranteeing that the money will be spent in the Valley. There <br />are too many unanswered questions, the final version of the <br />ordinance has not been done, and the public has not been allowed <br />any input. He expressed the need to confer with other cities <br />about filing a joint suit to require the Board of Supervisors to <br />make all information public and get a full explanation of what the <br />ordinance is, how the mitigation money will be spent, have an <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on it, and hold public hearings. <br />If the other cities are not interested in filing any suit, then <br />Pleasanton will proceed on its own. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr suggested that any city in the County affected by <br />the ordinance and looking at similar action be invited to join <br />Pleasanton, rather than limiting it to Dublin and Livemore. She <br />brought out some problems with the ordinance: 1) The County could <br />overrule LAFCO decisions, which could be illegal. The County <br />would then be enacting an ordinance that includes the probability <br />of taking an illegal action. 2) There is nothing in the <br />ordinance that indicates who will set the mitigation fee, how it <br />would be established, how much it would be and where it would be <br />spent. The issue is so open-ended that it makes it impossible to <br />respond. 3) The ordinance states that City annexations are to be <br />treated according to the directives of the County General Plan. <br />No opportunity is given the City to make its own evaluation and <br />handle the annexation in a way that would be most consistent with <br />the City's development. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver commended the Supervisors for trying to preserve <br />open space. He stated, however, that the ordinance is a reversal <br />of a long-standing County policy that development should occur <br />within the City limits. This could lead to conflicts with the <br />County regarding developments in Oaktree and Ruby Hill. The <br />ordinance also considers expanding the County's role in sewer pipe <br />lines to facilitate the development and to protect their interest <br />in the development's potential. He stated that the County should <br />not compete with the City and that he supports the recommendation <br />to file a suit. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer commented that there are parts of the ordinance, <br />once understood, that Council could arrive at a consensus to <br />support. But the problem is that no one understands the <br />ordinance. No opportunity was provided to anybody to get a copy <br />of the ordinance to study it, read how it impacts the City, and go <br />to a public hearing. <br /> <br /> -13- <br /> 1-2-90 <br /> <br /> <br />