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383 <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift replied that there was no indication of a rear <br />elevation in the conceptual plan but that his reading of the PUD <br />plan would make the entire rear elevation 21.5 feet. He explained <br />that this could be done if the front portion were reduced to 26 <br />feet but with the same ceiling height. To do this, the <br />architecture of the raised portion would have to be reduced so that <br />the windows would not be higher than the ceiling. It is also <br />possible to reduce the height of the entire middle and front <br />section to 21.5 feet. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes commented that this height difference was not a <br />significant change and that the expense of reducing the height <br />would not be money well spent. He inquired what the potential cost <br />of this would be. <br /> <br /> Ms. Acosta replied that the applicant's estimate is $300,000 <br />but that she believed it would about $100,000. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer inquired if the stop work order will remain in <br />effect until something is resolved. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said yes. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mr. Butler, and seconded by Mr. Tarver, that <br />Resolution No. 90-144 be adopted, denying the three-foot height <br />increase for a portion of the building located at 6700 Santa Rita <br />Road at the corner of Pimlico Drive as filed under PUD-80-15-5D-2M, <br />Pleasant Village Associates, and directing staff to take <br />appropriate steps to cause the applicant to modify the development <br />plans to provide a building height limit of 26 feet in the front <br />and 21.5 feet in the rear. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmember Butler, Mohr, Tarver and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: Councilmember Brandes <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />8. MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCILMEMBERS <br />Item 5a <br />Pleasanton Ridgelands Review Initiative <br /> <br /> Ms. Becky Dennis, 838 Grey Fox Circle, stated that the Mayor's <br />proposed Initiative was created without the benefit of any <br />demonstrated public input and that he has provided for a change of <br />land use designation from "Study Area" to "Public Health and <br />Safety." She said that the land use designations are the heart of <br />the matter and that the people of Pleasanton have expressed their <br />desire to consider amending the General Plan to bring it more in <br /> <br /> 7-23-90 <br /> <br /> - 7 - <br /> <br /> <br />