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329 <br /> <br />bring its proposal back to the Council for final determination and <br />put the issue on the ballot. He then requested Mr. Tarver and Ms. <br />Spraggins to consider delaying putting the SPRC Initiative on the <br />ballot, if they will not remove it from the November ballot, so it <br />can be on the ballot at the same time as the other issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lee Montgomery, 4127 Foothill Road, stated that the <br />Ridgeland property owners will not come into Pleasanton if the SPRC <br />Initiative passes. He added that they were willing to annex if <br />they would be accorded fair treatment and the same process that <br />other property owners have been allowed, which would include <br />information, input from the Planning staff and Commission, the City <br />Council and citizens. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes asked Mr. Montgomery, as the representative of <br />Ridgelands property owners, if he had heard anyone in the Council <br />say that he wanted to develop the Ridgelands. <br /> <br /> Mr. Montgomery replied that he had heard no one from the <br />Council, the Planning Commission or staff say anything about <br />developing the Ridgelands, but that he had heard other people say <br />that the Ridge was their backyard and that they could do a better <br />job than Alameda County or Hayward at controlling it. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer asked Mr. Montgomery how the landowners would feel <br />about Mr. Inderbitzen's suggestion that the SPRC Initiative be put <br />on the ballot at the same time as the citizens' committee proposal. <br /> <br /> Mr. Montgomery replied that he has not talked to the <br />landowners about that but that he believed they would agree to it. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dagmar Fulton, 4019 Peregrine Way, stated that her family <br />once had a ranching operations in the Valley that is now occupied <br />by the Valley people. She added that it was her generation that <br />provided the bases for growth and voted for the water bonds that <br />provided for the schools and other improvements that are now in <br />place. She said that the SPRC Initiative denied property owners <br />the right to decide their own fate. She pointed out that on <br />annexation issues, only those who live in the area to be annexed <br />have the right to vote on the issue. She recommended that the <br />legal procedures for annexation and planning, including a public <br />hearing, be followed so property owners have a voice in the <br />process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ken Peek, 27361 Palomares Road, stated that his family <br />has been living in the area since the 1920's and that they are <br />concerned about decisions taken on the Ridgelands. <br /> <br /> 7-10-90 <br /> - 13 - <br /> <br /> <br />