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294 <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift replied that the current access problem results <br />from a back-up during peak hours on one side of Dublin Canyon Road <br />and that the project will add traffic to that back-up. He added <br />that the project is conditioned to pay its pro-rata share of <br />improvements that are being imposed to provide better service at <br />that intersection. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr stated that the trail system ends at the Mollers' <br />fence and could invite trespassing. She recommended that the <br />segment be shown as a proposed trail and that the funds for that <br />segment be set aside until the City is able to determine where the <br />trail would go. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift stated that the potential trail would provide <br />access up through the Mollers' property to the top of the ridge. <br />He explained that the trail need not be constructed to the <br />property line arid that after an appropriate environmental <br />assessment, the area will come back to Council for the option to <br />accept that land as a park. This would then change the design <br />from a trail to a park. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr recommended that Street "A" be aligned to Stoneridge <br />Drive with the condition that it be moved if further soil <br />investigation proves that such an alignment would be dangerous. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes concurred with Ms. Mohr. He then asked staff <br />which of the four lots would be the least visible. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift answered that Lots A and B would be most visible <br />unless they are covered by trees, Lot C would be partially <br />visible, and Lot D would be invisible. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver stated that the applicant has worked to mitigate <br />the project. However, he felt that it would involve mass grading <br />and would have a visual impact on the valley. He expressed <br />concern about geological factors when the houses are put in. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mr. Brandes, and seconded by Ms. Mohr, that <br />Resolution No. 90-111 be adopted, after making the findings set <br />forth in Exhibit "C" of Staff Report 90:252, certifying that the <br />Environmental Impact Report has been completed in compliance with <br />CEQA and that Council has considered the information in the Final <br />Environmental Impact Report. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mohr and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: Councilmember Tarver <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Butler <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br /> It was then moved by Mr. Brandes, and seconded by Ms. Mohr, <br />that Ordinance No. 1470 be introduced, to be read by title only, <br />and waiving further reading thereof, approving PUD-89-21, the <br />application of Presley of Northern California for development plan <br />approval for a 100-lot single-family residential development <br /> <br />- 18 - <br /> <br />6-19-90 <br /> <br /> <br />