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171 <br /> <br /> Marian Walker, 1322 Santa Rita Road, spoke in favor of <br />removing the wall. She explained that removing the barrier would <br />make it safer for pedestrians and bicyclists entering from Kolln <br />onto Valley. She referred to the argument that if the wall were <br />removed it would be more dangerous for the children in the area and <br />commented that children should not play in the streets. She stated <br />that visibility is poor at the barricaded area for pedestrians and <br />bicyclist. She was angry that a boat was parked in the street and <br />padlocked to the barrier because she had been asked by the City to <br />remove vehicles off the driveway of her yard. She requested <br />Council to remove the barrier at Kolln Street because of the safety <br />factor and all of the reasons mentioned by previous speakers. <br /> <br /> Dick Tullis, Nevis Street, spoke in opposition to removing the <br />wall. He explained that having emergency access through the <br />barrier would not enhance the response time. He believed that the <br />traffic problem in the front of Alisal School could be somewhat <br />alleviated by changing the timing on the signals at Black and Santa <br />Rita Road interchange. He was opposed to a neighborhood being used <br />to by-pass traffic signals. <br /> <br /> Marsha Taylor, 4156 Sid Way, believed that the wall needed to <br />remain up so that those who live on Kolln Street would not have the <br />problems with noise and smog from the vehicles using the access. <br />Ms. Taylor said that most of the traffic that would use this access <br />would be those taking their children to Alisal School. She <br />pointed out that it was not mandatory that parents drop their <br />children off in front of the school. She suggested that the school <br />develop time intervals of when each grade began class. She was <br />also concerned with the safety of pedestrians. Four years ago, she <br />thought this was decided and now the issue is raised again. She <br />was concerned about traffic and safety of the residents. <br /> <br /> Howard Mathews, 781 Kolln Street, spoke in opposition to the <br />wall being removed. He explained that the emergency access should <br />not be a concern because the nearest fire department gets there <br />within five minutes. He believed that removing the barricade would <br />only cause a safety problem due to traffic. <br /> <br /> Kathy Biashy, 1378 Kolln Street, explained that she was <br />concerned with the safety of the children in the neighborhood if <br />the wall was removed. She reiterated that the traffic would <br />increase on Kolln Street. She described her neighborhood as a <br />treasure and asked Council to leave the wall as it is. She also <br />stated that it was more safe walking through the sides of the wall <br />then it would be if the wall were removed. <br /> <br /> Pat Dickens, 1491 Kolln Street, stated that her home was <br />located next to the wall. She agreed that the access through the <br />wall to enter on Valley Avenue is dangerous. <br /> <br />8/4/92 13 <br /> <br /> <br />