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59 <br /> <br /> conditions of approval. There are no other responsible agencies <br /> who would be asked to mitigate measures as part of a bigger <br /> project. The environmental monitoring program will be before <br /> Council before it takes final action on this, which would be at the <br /> next meeting, should it choose to approve one of the various <br /> alternatives. Staff fully anticipates having conditions to conform <br /> the environmental impact findings whichever conditions Council puts <br /> on the project. Staff would also at the next meeting conform the <br /> environmental monitoring program which runs along with those <br /> findings and conditions of approval. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver referred to the comment of feasibility versus the <br />undesirability of the alternatives. He asked Mr. Swift to respond <br />to that comment. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift believed that the issue has to do with the golf <br />course mitigation. If there is going to be a golf course of this <br />type, then there would be grading which would include the tree loss <br />and the habitat destruction. His understanding of CEQA was that a <br />feasibility mitigation measure is not a measure that renders the <br />project into a different or undoable project. Mitigation measures <br />are for minimizing impacts, not eliminating projects. The <br />alternatives before Council this evening that solve all of the <br />environmental impacts that are associated with the golf course are <br />to have no golf course. The other mitigations have to do with <br />replanting trees and enhancing the existing forest. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer said that Council needed to discuss the <br />conditions of approval. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked if the Vineyard Corridor area is underway with <br />respect to the General Plan. She then asked if there was <br />consideration being given in the course of that study for other <br />accesses that would address the secondary access issue. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift answered yes and that the Specific Plan was also <br />included. If the Kottinger Hills project was not before Council, <br />staff would not be looking at providing some way from Vineyard <br />Avenue to this existing area through that corridor. The City at <br />one time did a street plan for southeast Pleasanton which would <br />have resulted in being very destructive to the environment. This <br />plan would not be feasible any longer because of the private <br />streets and the Ruby Hill project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked that if staff were to prioritize the five <br />alternatives presented to Council this evening, which would be the <br />first choice. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift answered that staff recommended that the alignment <br />that follows the Alternative B or C, which uses the Berloger <br />Valley, or the ridge that is in the back of several properties and <br />then crosses the Berlogar property. <br /> <br />9/15/92 33 <br /> <br /> <br />