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41 <br /> <br /> Brent Partridge, 854 Montevino, indicated that a street <br />through the property at the top of a hill is a big mistake. He <br />further indicated the 1400 foot cul de sac on Alternative #2 is <br />unacceptable, but he preferred Alternative #2 if the city would <br />landscape the property and meet with the neighborhood. He also <br />wanted part of the Hatsushi property behind his property for a park <br />area. ~. _. <br /> <br /> Ron Cote, 870 Montevino, expressed his concern with traffic <br />and speeding. He indicated there were police patrols during school <br />hours, but they needed to be there more often. Mr. Cote also <br />supported Alternative #2. He stated the developer was charged $100 <br />per tree per parcel and wanted to know what happened to the money. <br />He further pointed out the dangers if a street were built at the <br />top of the hill. <br /> <br /> Steven Andrews, 886 Montevino, indicated his support for <br />Alternative #2 and believed there was a safety issue if a "T" <br />intersection were built. <br /> <br /> Mary Pat Hawkins, 865 Montevino, supported Alternative #2 and <br />stated her belief that it was unsafe to have a street at this <br />location due to the speed of cars at the crest, a bus stop nearby, <br />and the fact that drivers coming from the cul de sac would be <br />facing the sun. She further indicated the need for a neighborhood <br />park in the area. <br /> <br /> Darryl Alexander, 849 Montevino, suggested the neighborhood be <br />included in the Vineyard Corridor plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked Mr. Alexander, since his property was across <br />from the proposed "T" intersection, if he would have trouble <br />pulling out of his property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Alexander indicated he had trouble getting out now because <br />he can't see very far due to the drop off of the hill. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked how many homes would use the cul de sac in <br />Alternative 1. Mr. Swift responded that with half acre lots there <br />could be six or seven. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked if there were parks within a half mile of this <br />area and indicated there was a park on Arbor. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift stated that all of this area was within one half <br />mile of one park or another and cited the Vintage Hills area. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr indicated her concerns were relevant to the Specific <br />Plan from the Hatsushi property and from the east. The people in <br />the area should be included in the meetings and process. <br /> <br />9/15/92 15 <br /> <br /> <br />