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exclude something that might need to be considered. If there is going to be development, it <br />should be in the City and should be City centered; 5) family orientation and concepts related to <br />that should be achieved through goals, policies or programs to reflect the community orientation <br />towards family; 6) The Urban Limit Lines and their placement options should be looked at so <br />that the debate can begin; 7) increased fairground usage and its effect on Pleasanton; 8) the <br />economic analysis of the Committee's recommendations in terms of this Plan, and whether or <br />not it works. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti stated that there was a recommendation by the Economic and Fiscal <br />subcommittee specifically addressing the Vineyard Avenue infrastructure. There was a <br />recommendation that said if Vineyard Avenue was to be straightened out or put along the <br />Arroyo, it needs the density to support it. The recommendation was to go back to the <br />subcommittee and have a fiscal analysis of certain things, and that didn't happen. When the <br />interchange is addressed at West Las Positas, it will need a fiscal analysis on how it will get <br />built, because it is not included in our current assessment district. <br /> <br /> Mayor Tarver replied that the interchange was to be built and the North Pleasanton <br />Improvement District is responsible for fronting the money and will get it back as the <br />development occurs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti clarified that this was taken out of NPID and the condition is that the <br />property owners only have to front what is their impact or their fair share. Ms. Michelotti asked <br />how to address the question of the super minority. She presumed that staff would come back <br />with pros and cons but not in the environmental document. She would like to see how <br />affordable housing is addressed in the General Plan and how does Pleasanton get it, if high <br />density starts at five units per acre or if the cap is 350/year. The current General Plan says 650 <br />with a bonus of 100 for affordable housing. She asked if the 350 is affordable housing plus 100 <br />or is the 100 counted within the 350? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen replied that the 100 is within the 350 figure. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti stated she would like to see the Happy Valley properties addressed in <br />some way. At the time this came about and the proposed medium density residential at 2-4 <br />units/acre was put forth, was there any density transfer for properties that were not going to <br />have the benefit of that type of designation? Was anything considered for a tradeoff?. In the <br />Vineyard Corridor when it was at the Planning Commission level, there was a reference to <br />wanting to have all these alternatives played out in the EIR. The fact that the properties are in <br />the City of Pleasanton versus some other properties that are not in the City of Pleasanton did <br />allow the annexation of Ruby Hill. If that was not specified, it should be. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis thanked everyone who participated in the process. She wanted a workable <br />plan and understood the people of the Vineyard Corridor wanted the plan they worked on. She <br />felt she had not heard support for that in the community. On the other hand, she would like to <br />see some attention be paid to their difficulties. The recommendation for agricultural on the <br /> <br />09/05/95 -27- <br /> <br /> <br />